The Lockheed Martin F-35 Fiasco Continues: Even MORE Money Being Poured Into This Endless Money Pit Of Waste!

It has been a while since I last put up an article on one of my "pet peeves" aka the F35 so called "fighter plane" fiasco... I have put up at least a dozen articles over these last few years covering the fallacies and waste of the entire Lockheed Martin F35 fiasco, and how this 'fighter aircraft' is such a horrific piece of garbage... BUT now according to the following article from the Investment Watch Blog website at, apparently the criminals at Lockheed Martin are now about to siphon off another $27.5 billion from US taxpayers in "cost overruns" for this ongoing fiasco of a "project"... Here is the link to that article here:, What is not being told here is that this $400 BILLION is NOT for the overall lifetime cost of this tremendously horrific piece of shit... The expectant lifetime cost to the US taxpayers for these bullshit "fighter planes" will easily exceed $2 TRILLION!... AND when these aircraft are finally fully delivered to the US military, it will in fact weaken them tremendously in regards to capabilities to fight any adversaries!I have been saying for years that the F35 should have been scrapped... I need not go over the long list of fallacies and disastrous problems associated with this 'fighter' for that list seems to be almost endless these days...  The American people should be up in arms about this waste of their money and the entire project should be scrapped immediately..BUT for those who are saying that the US somehow "needs" these POS planes, there is a real alternative that has now come forth that will cost the American people a fraction of this F35 fiasco... And it comes in the form of Boeing now coming forward with their advanced and fully updated F15 Eagle that has been labeled as the "F15X".......Right now, I want to present the link to the following article that comes from the website, at, where Boeing is indeed pitching their upgraded F15X to the US military... Here is that link here:, Here is a reality check... I have been waiting for someone in the other US military industrial complex corporations to FINALLY come forward with a logical alternative to the woeful F35, and here comes Boeing with a fighter that actually does fight!The F15 Eagle has long been the staple of America's air force due to its long history of durability and the ability to actually fight... It may be a very large aircraft, BUT the key is that this is an aircraft that carries one heck of a large amount of ordinance and advanced weaponry and therefore it is truly a 'fighter' aircraft which the F35 is not at all....I also found the following video, that does an "analysis" of this new F15X that I do want to share with my readers here:Now a real reality check... I watched this video and I could not believe that this so called 'expert' is claiming that the F15 will "support" the gawd awful F35 in any fighting situation.... The facts are that the F15X will run circles around the much slower and useless F35, and since I have long shown that "stealth" is nothing but a fraud, the F15X should not be encumbered by having to somehow "support" the F35 at all...Again a 'reality check' here... This newest version of the proven F15 Eagle aka the "Super Eagle" could not have come sooner... The F35 fiasco has cost American taxpayers a fortune in waste and has made the criminals at Lockeed Martin multi millionaires in the process.. The wasteful "program" called the F35 should be scrapped immediately and the US should look at this F15X for the fact that it will probably save well over a TRILLION dollars in waste while delivering a fighter plane that actually fights!And finally... I have had my "naysayers" that have said that I am wrong about "stealth" without them even coming forward to show where I am wrong when I state that stealth is a fraud and does NOT work... Well, to help answer their criticisms, I do want to turn to this most interesting article where supposedly the Chinese military has now once again done one better than the US military in their ability to defeat "stealth".... For according to this article that I have the link to here, the Chinese are working on developing new Quantum technology that defeats any "stealth" aircraft and makes "stealth" basically useless.... Here is that link: reality is that present Russian and Chinese built radar systems can, right now, easily detect any 'stealth' aircraft due to the usage of variable bandwidth that sweeps the horizon at different wavelengths until the radar is able to detect the incoming "stealth" aircraft..... That is a known fact and again was used handily in the 1999 Serbian/Kosovo "war" where the Serbs used such radar to easily detect and then shoot down a lot of US so called "stealthy" F117A fighter bombers...... This usage of advanced radar systems by the Chinese, as well as the news of Russians developing new optical systems to detect "stealth" aircraft does indeed spell the end of "stealth" all together... And with that, the US should indeed be focusing on building fighter aircraft that are both armed to the teeth and can outfly and outmaneuver their opponents... The F35 can do neither and is indeed nothing more than a multi-billion dollar dud...It will be interesting to see where the US government goes with their want to replace their aging fighter aircraft with newer and more advanced technology.... But they should indeed cancel the F35 program immediately and take a good hard look at the F15X as well as any other similar planes for their needs for the next few decades...More to comeNTS