BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 29, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.” — General Smedley Butler

International Newsworthy

UN Debate Stalls US Attack on Syria

Syria Brotherhood Leader: US Position on Syria ‘Negative’

Citing Russian Logjam, US Says It Will Attack Syria without UN Green Light

Legal Conditions Met for Action against Syria: Britain

Moscow “Urged” to Back Syria Motion

Russia Tells Britain its Syria Resolution is Premature

Russia Sending Warships to the Mediterranean: Report

Russia Evacuating Tartus Staff

French Military “in Position” to Go to Syria: Defense Ministry

Obama Administration Copies Bush’s Sidelining of Weapons Inspectors in Iraq

US Sends 5th Warship to Mediterranean

Only 9% of Americans Favor Syria Intervention as Obama Considers Military Options

US Doesn’t Know Who Ordered Chemical Strike

U.S.: Al Qaeda-linked Group behind Benghazi Attack Trains Jihadists for Syrian Rebel Groups

US Intelligence Committees Say They’re Not Properly Consulted on Syria

Administration to Brief Lawmakers on “Secret” Syria Intelligence

Antiwar Left Stays Quiet on Syria

Former UN Weapons Inspector: West has ‘No Authority’ in Syria

Israel Calls Up Reservists amid Possible U.S. Strike on Syria

Maliki Says Intervention is “Dead End,” Iraq on Alert

Syria Asks UN to Immediately Investigate Three New ‘Chemical Attacks’ by Rebels 

Syria’s Kurds Formally Join Opposition Coalition

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Iran, IAEA will Hold Talks in September: IAEA

Iran Expands Uranium Enrichment Capacity, Slows Down Controversial Nuclear Stockpile: IAEA

Iran Puts West in ‘Check’ with Omani Gas Deal

Report on Larijani Attack Reveals Factional Divide in Iran

Bombing in Afghanistan Kills Six

Pakistan to Start Iran Gas Import by 2015

‘Pak-Iran Gas Project Will Be Completed in Time’

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‘Baghdad Belt’ Deals With New Sectarian Tensions

80 Iraqis Killed Mostly in Shia Districts

Iraqi Kurdistan Elections Could Be Turning Point

Looming Attacks Grip Lebanon

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Hagel: No US Plans to Cut Off Egypt Military Aid Yet

Egypt Arrests 12, Including American, for Sinai Attack

Egypt PM Rolls Back Muslim Brotherhood Ban

Nigeria: Boko Haram Fighters Kill 20 Vigilante Members

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Moscow Mayoral Underdogs Ponder Pacts to Force Runoff

CSTO Working Out Plans to Strengthen Afghanistan-Tajikistan Border

Azerbaijan Looking For Weapons in South Korea?

Belarus Targets Russian Billionaire, Russia Cuts Oil Supplies

Belarus Army Stops Using Russian Su-27 Fighter Jets

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Thousands from Chechnya Seek Refuge in Germany

UK: Chilcot Report into Iraq Conflict Will Not Be Released Until 2014

Directly from the Tap: Australian Spies in Global Deal to Tap Undersea Cables

Hackers Threaten to Reveal Secrets of New Zealand MPs behind Snooping Bill

National Newsworthy

Obama Urges Court to Reject Reporter’s First Amendment Protection in Criminal Case

NSA Has Been Spying On Members of Congress for a Long Time

Snowden Proves We Will Never Know How Many Abuses Took Place at the NSA

Watchdog Group Suit Seeks Rationale Disclosure on Drones and Surveillance

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Revolving Door is Alive and Well with ObamaCare, but Takes a Rest at SEC

US Copyright Czar Resigns from White House for Job at Anti-Piracy Firm

ObamaCare’s Architects Reap Windfall as Washington Lobbyists

America’s Private Prison Companies have Expanded Across the Globe

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Bank CEO Admits to Using Bailout Money to Buy A Luxury Condo in Florida

U.S. Seeking $6 Billion from JPMorgan to Settle Mortgage Claims

The Leveraged Buyout of America

August US Equity Trading Volume Plunges to Lowest in 16 Years

US Banks Earn Record $42.2 Billion in 2nd Quarter

The Periphery is Failing

Noteworthy Editorials

Pepe Escobar: Operation Tomahawk with Cheese

Norman Solomon: The Assault on Whistleblowers and Spinning the War on Syria

Thomas DiLorenzo: The Liefare-Warfare State

Paul Pillar: America’s Syria Folly

Stephen Lendman: John Kerry’s Colin Powell Moment

M K Bhadrakumar: Rouhani’s Overture to Putin

Philip Weiss: AP and Time Magazine Annex the West Bank to Israel

Let’s Make the NSA’s Data Available for Public Use!

Bombing Syria: War as Therapy

Erdogan, Egypt’s Coup and the Israeli Connection

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report-Chemical Hypocrisy: Lies & Disinformation on the Road to War

BFP EyeOpener Video Report (Preview)- Chemical Hypocrisy: Lies & Disinformation on the Road to War

Video: RT-Moral Obscenity: Toxic Background to US Chemical ‘Highground’

BFP Podcast: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “Syria: World War Crazy”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report-Mother Agnes Mariam on the Syrian Crisis

Podcast 2: Traces of Reality- Cele Castillo on CIA’s Fingerprints in Mexico’s “Drug War”

Podcast 3: Lew Rockwell Show-Did the Secret Service Help Kill JFK?

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