‘No War With Syria’ rallies happening this Saturday August 31, worldwide

The following notice has been posted all over the internet, please help to pass the word along.
Here’s the plan of action to oppose the illegal and unconstitutional war with Syria:
We are launching a global rally on Saturday August 31st in every city and town in the world.
Here’s how you get involved
Go to the FB search bar and search for ‘No War With Syria Rally (your city)’.
Join the event, invite ALL of your friends to join it as well, then get involved with the locals that are already in the event page to help them any way you can.
If there is no event page made for your location yet, please make one. Here’s how:
-Simply click on your event tab from your FB homepage.
-Click create an event.
-Name the event ‘No War With Syria Rally (your city)’.
-make sure you set the privacy to public so other people can find it when they search for it.
-Pick a central and relevant location and start time for your area (please make it on Saturday August 31st).
-Invite ALL of your friends and encourage everyone else to invite their friends as well and do whatever else you can to let people know about the rally.
-Try to get some volunteers together to make banners to do some canvassing on Friday the night before your rally. Make signs.
-Pass out flyers in the days leading up to your rally.
-Contact other activist groups in your area for help.
-contact local media and let them know about your rally. Focus on independent journalists in your area.
-Set up a hashtag for your march and use it on FB, Twitter, and Instagram.
-The rest is up to your discretion to handle locally.
The time to change the world and stop the war is now. Share this information with anyone and everyone you know, thousands of innocent lives depend on it.
