350: The Ultimate Guide To Journaling (with Hannah Braime)

Hannah Braime is the founder of BecomingWhoYouAre.net, a self-relationship coach, and an author. She joins me to discuss her book, The Ultimate Guide To Journaling.

Topics Included:
-What is journaling?
-getting to know the voices in our heads
-improving relationships
-living more consciously
-how to journal
-failing to keep on track
-frequency guidelines
-finding the right mindset
-dealing with resistance
-written journal ideas (dominant and non-dominant hands, dealing with upset and worry, gratitude journal, nurture lists)
-self-care activities vs. nurturing activities
-sentence completion exercises (The Art of Self Discovery)
-what do we do with our journals?
-retrospecting, looking for patterns
-the inner child and dissociation
-language, what does it reveal?

Look Closer:
BecomingWhoYouAre.net - http://becomingwhoyouare.net
The Ultimate Guide To Journaling - http://www.becomingwhoyouare.net/shop/the-ultimate-guide-to-journaling/
HappinessCounseling.com - Resources - http://happinesscounseling.com/happiness-resources/
The Art of Self Discovery, by Nathaniel Branden - http://happinesscounseling.com/The_Art_Of_Self-Discovery_Nathaniel_Bran…