BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 22, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“My symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern.” –C.S. Lewis, the Screwtape Letters

International Newsworthy

Flashback: US ‘Backed Plan to Launch Chemical Weapon Attack on Syria, Blame it on Assad Govt

Saudi Arabia and Turkey Falter over Egypt

Russia Urges U.N. to Clarify Chemical Weapons Use in Syria

Syria’s Moscow Envoy Denies Chemical Weapons Use near Damascus

Syrian Govt Ready to Cooperate with UN Experts in Chemical Attack Probe 

Syrian Forces Bomb Area of Alleged Chemical Attack

Unconfirmed Reports of Chemical Weapons Use in Syria Complicate US Role

Israeli Arab Indicted for Fighting for Rebels in Syria

Aoun: We’re Against Hezbollah’s Involvement in Syria

US Official: Syria Crisis Donations Insufficient

French FM Threatens ‘Force’ over Syria Chemical Attack if UNSC Fails to Act

Turkey Condemns Egypt’s Coup

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How Rotella Reported another Dubious Iranian Bomb Plot

After Election Talk, Iranians Ask Rouhani to Walk the Walk

US Drone Raid Kills 5 in Afghanistan

Afghan Pullout Risks Central Asia Security

Punjabi Taliban Commander Welcomes Peace Talks with Govt

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Dangerous Friends: Power Struggle Splits Turkish Ruling Party

Turks Warned Against ‘Hot Autumn’ of Discontent

Lieberman: Turkey’s Erdogan Is Ideological Heir to Goebbels

Iraqi Official Estimates Money Laundering to Be in the Billions

14 Killed in Bomb Blast in Central Iraq

Iraqi Kurdistan Struggles with Influx of Syrian Refugees

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Salafism Gains Ground in Lebanon over Syria

Hamas Calls on Egypt to Reopen Border

Bedouins Deny Harboring Militants as Sinai Attacks Escalate

Gunmen Kill Aden Intelligence Chief, His Nephew in South Yemen

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Opposition to Egypt Coup Isolates Turkey

Pro-Morsi Alliance Calls for another Round of Friday Protests Against Egypt Junta

Washington and the Egyptian Tragedy

Libya Losing Control of Oil Fields to Jihadist Groups

US Urged to Recognize Nigerian Extremist Group Boko Haram as Terrorists

Rival Tunisian Leaders Meet in Paris

South Sudan Attacks: US Ups Pressure; General Arrested

Sudan Confines Foreign Organizations’ Work to Humanitarian, Developmental Fields

Red Cross: 12 Dead After Clashes in Central African Republic Capital

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How the US Is Encircling China with Military Bases

Pacific Pivot Sparks US-China Arms Race

Russia Calls Out UK on Human Rights

Russia Demands Ex-Banker Extradition

Russians Launch Dedicated Center to Fight ‘Atheist Extremism’

Georgian Defense Minister Visits US

Tajikistan: Where Iranian Money Takes a Bath?

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Black Helicopters: Britain’s Blind Faith in Intelligence Agencies

Miranda Wins Court Victory in UK Data Seizure

Germany Frets over High Military Dropout Rate

Quebec Muslims Slam Proposed Ban on Religious Headwear

After NSA and Miranda, Brazil Mulls Anti-US-Spook Law

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New Zealand Parliament Narrowly Passes Controversial Spying Law

Growing US Presence in Australia to Include Aircraft

Australia: Pentagon Adds Warplanes to Asia-Pacific Buildup against China

UN Slams Australia Refugee Detentions

National Newsworthy

Declassified Documents Prove NSA Is Tapping the Internet

NSA Collected Non-Terrorism Related Emails

FISA Court Ruled Major NSA Operation Unconstitutional in 2011

Report: NSA Spied on Salt Lake City before 2002 Olympics

US Doesn’t Know What Snowden Took

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Beyond Prism: Glimmerglass Intercepts Undersea Cable Traffic for Spy Agencies

Ditch Your Passwords – US Govt to Issue Secure Online IDs

Facial Scanning Is Making Gains in Surveillance

US Goes after Schools that Teach How to Beat Polygraph Tests

Lavabit Owner Eyes Legal Precedent to Rid Cloud-Data Companies of Govt Surveillance

SWAT Cop Says American Neighborhoods Are “Battlefields,” Claims Cops Face Same Dangers as Soldiers in Afghanistan

This Homeland Security Employee Is Preparing for a Coming Race War

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ACLU: FBI Granted Power to Delay Muslims’ Citizenship

Gitmo Lawyers Ask to Restrict CIA’s Use of Info in 9/11 Case

Manning Backers Vow to Fight 35-Year Term

Ft. Hood’s Hasan Rests His Case without Calling Witnesses

Al Jazeera America Launches, Sues AT&T

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UPS Cuts Healthcare Benefits for Spouses, Blames ObamaCare

Bond Funds Lose $30.3 Billion in August in Big ‘Shift’

Phony Government GDP Numbers Hide Shrinking US Economy

Is ‘Chaos’ ahead? Some Truths about Fed Policy

BLS, We Have a Problem: Polled Unemployment Soars to March 2012 Levels

Noteworthy Editorials

Kevin Gosztola: Jeffrey Toobin, Thief

Glenn Greenwald: ‘Sending a Message’: What the US and UK Are Attempting to Do

Paul Pillar: Authoritarianism Pushes Back

Stephen Lendman: Egypt’s Reign of Terror

M K Bhadrakumar: Left, Right & China’s DNA

Obama Unmasked: The Total Surveillance State

Snowden & Manning: Could the Debate on National Security Happen Any Other Way?

Lawbreaking at the NSA: Bring on a New Church Committee

The Caucasus War of August 2008

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report- “Constitution-Free Border Zones” with James Corbett

Video 1: RT-’Truly secure email service impossible in US’ – Lavabit owner

Video 2: Corbett Report- Syria False Flag Alert

Video 3: Charlie McGrath- Shocking ~Are We Supporting Syrian Slaughter ?

BFP Podcast 1: – De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez Presents Journalist Bill Conroy: “Black Ops& Black Markets”

BFP Podcast 2: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “The Global Cartel: Central Banks & Financial Markets”

Podcast: Radio Liberty- Why the Bond Bubble Matters

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