The Skripal "Poisoning" Was A False Flag Operation: Russia Comes Forward And States "Poisoning" Was Staged By UK Intelligence

I have been pouring over all of the most recent reports and revelations about that "poisoning" of former Soviet agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter on March 3rd, 2018..... It has been so disturbing to see the Jew spew media, especially that in the United Kingdom, continue to harp the lie that this attack was conducted by the "big bad Russians" with absolutely NO proof at all that the supposed nerve agent used for that attack even originated from Russia.....  I have been looking at the evidence and so far I am firmly convinced that this was indeed a 'false flag' conducted by British Intelligence themselves (Most probably MI5) as part of the UK's want to vilify Russia..... I have yet to find anything that has changed my perspective and my analysis to this date...And, just today I came across the following report from Tyler Durden, through the Zero Hedge website, at, where the Russians have now come forward with their justifiable claims that the Skripal attack was indeed staged and conducted by UK Intelligence!   I want to share the link to that important article right here with my own readers, and of course I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  I must state here that I agree with Tyler Durden's assertions in this article, for again I have found absolutely nothing to the contrary other than the incessant lies being pushed by the Jew spew media with their constant and increasing attacks on the Russian Federation... Obviously the general public is being bombarded with the lies from the Jew spew media to brainwash them into the false belief that "Russia is evil" to get them to support actions, even military actions, against that innocent nation.There have been so many peculiar happenings since this attack that I also came across that should have everyone going "Hmmmmm..."... I found the following report from the Investment Watchblog website, at, that shows the 14 most important questions that the Russians should be asking about this entire Skripal "incident"... Here is the link to that article here:, I also have so many questions about this "incident" and of course I have found NOTHING truthful coming out of the UK government or their Jew spew mouthpieces over at the BBC... It is indeed a travesty of justice happening here, and everyone should be demanding answers..And to top it off, I found the following article from The Duran, at, entitled: "Skripal Case Becomes Even Weirder" with amazing allegations that the Skripals were actually poisoned at their home some 6-7 hours BEFORE they were discovered "poisoned" in that park!  Here is the link to that article here: story is getting weirder and weirder by the day, and apparently the Jew spew media is indeed 'back peddling" as hard as they can to continue to come up with their lies and excuses for this obvious false flag operation conducted by British Intelligence..The bottom line is this... The Skripals may indeed have been "poisoned" but it was NOT by the Russians... I am indeed pointing the finger squarely at the scum in MI5 or even the CIA for this operation... And sadly I still see the British public being bombarded by the constant lies still coming out of their Jew spew media and their crooked government and many swallowing this bullshit without any rational thinking....The truth about this operation will eventually come out, but needless to say it was NOT the Russians who did the deed.More to comeNTS