The Politicization of the FBI

The Politicization of the FBI
Joseph E. diGenova
Former U.S. Attorney
It is a mystery that James Comey, Robert Mueller, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, Rod Rosenstein, Hillary Clinton, and others are not indicted and facing long prison sentences. US Attorney Joseph diGenova in the article excerpted below explains the criminal plot and felonies committed by the top leadership of the FBI and Department of Justice. DiGenova is talking about much more than mere politicization. He is talking about lawlessness and treason on the part of the top leadership of the US justice system. Apparently Trump lacks the balls to hold law enforcement accountable to law. Don’t expect to hear one word of the actual facts from the presstitutes or the Democratic Party. PCR
In sum, the FBI and DOJ employed unverified salacious allegations contained in a political opposition research document to obtain court-sanctioned wiretaps, and then leaked the contents of the wiretaps and the identities of political opponents. This was a complex criminal plot worthy of Jason Bourne.
Layered over this debacle is a special counsel investigation unfettered by rules or law. Not surprisingly, James Comey triggered the special counsel’s appointment—and he did so by design. According to Comey’s testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee, having been fired on May 9, 2017, he leaked official documents to his friend, Columbia Law School professor Daniel Richman, with the specific intent that Richman would leak them to the press. Reportage on that leak is what led Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to appoint Robert Mueller—a former FBI director and Comey’s good friend—as special counsel to investigate allegations of Trump-Russia collusion.
Mueller’s reputation has been damaged by a series of decisions that violate the ethical rules of appearances. For instance, he hired Democratic partisans as lawyers for the probe: Andrew Weissmann, who donated to Clinton and praised Acting Attorney General Sally Yates for disobeying Trump’s lawful Presidential Order regarding a travel ban for residents of certain nations that harbor terrorists; Jeannie Rhee, who donated to Clinton and represented Ben Rhodes in the email probe and the Clinton Foundation investigation; and Aaron Zebley, who represented Clinton IT staffer Justin Cooper in the email server probe.
Mueller also staged a pre-dawn raid with weapons drawn on the home of Paul Manafort, rousing Manafort and his wife from their bed—a tactic customarily reserved for terrorists and drug dealers. Manafort has subsequently been indicted for financial crimes that antedate his campaign work for Trump and that have nothing to do with Russia collusion.
From the outset of this scandal, I have considered Comey a dirty cop. . . . A great disservice has been done to the dedicated men and women of the FBI by Comey and his seventh floor henchmen. A grand jury probe is long overdue.
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