BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 15, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes. Of all the so-called natural human rights that have ever been invented, liberty is least likely to be cheap and is never free of cost.” –Robert A. Heinlein

International Newsworthy

Egyptian Crackdown Death Toll Climbs

Egypt Vows Deadly Response to Attacks

UN Calls for Probe into Egypt Crackdown

Egypt Massacres Raises Pressure for US to End Military Aid

Obama Still Isn’t Cutting Off Aid to Egypt

Obama Cancels Joint Military Drill with Egypt 

UAE, Bahrain Support Egypt Crackdown

As Military Makes Its Move, Forget About Liberal Democracy in Egypt

Hundreds of Morsi Supporters Torch Govt Building in Giza after Brutal Crackdown 

ElBaradei Resigns, But Others in Egypt Junta Defend Crackdown

Egypt Slaps Nighttime Curfew on Cairo, 10 Regions

Oil Soars on Egypt Turmoil, Tops $110 per Barrel

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Uncovering Syrian Rebels’ Hidden Support

Syria Rebels Receives Sudanese Weapons on Ukrainian Aircraft via Qatar & Turkey

U.S. Military Chief Speaks of Crafting New Syrian Government

Israeli DM Urges US Action in Syria; Warns of ‘Axis of Evil’

Jordan Asks for Assistance in Securing Syrian Border

Syrian Opposition Condemns Jihadists Targeting Alawites

Syrian Kurds Seek Transitional Administration, Not Independence

Rebels Kill 10 Soldiers in Syria’s Idlib Province

Syria Accepts Essential Terms of Chemical Weapons Probe – UN

Al-Qaeda-PKK War on Turkey-Syria Border

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Ex-NATO Chief: 15,000 Troops Should Stay in Afghanistan After 2014

US Commanders ‘Planning for the Worst’ as Afghan Fighting Season Winds Down

Pakistan Policy Reduced to a Single Binary

Turkish CHP Leader Says Party under Surveillance

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Obama Administration Pushes for Apache Helicopter Sale to Iraq

Roadside Bombs Kill 14 North of Baghdad: Police

Four Iranian Soldiers Killed, Injured in Mine Blast Near Iraqi Kurdistan

Maliki Holds on to Security Option Despite Its Failure

Iraqi Kurdistan No Longer Refuge for Christians

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Jewish Agency Airlifts 17 Yemeni Jews to Israel in Covert Operation

Israel Bombs Gaza after Rocket Fire

Israeli Law Will Strip Many Arab ‘Absentees’ of Land

Israeli Govt to Recruit Students as Undercover Agents on Social Media

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Echoes of Egypt: Secular-Islamist Tensions Rise in Tunisia

UN: Central African Republic on Brink of Collapse

Libya’s Oil Industry Is in Trouble

Nigerian Military Commanders in 2 States Both Claim Killing Senior Islamic Extremist Commander

Due to Attacks, Doctors without Borders Pulls Out of Somalia After 22 Years

Al-Shabaab 2.0: Reorganization Make Terrorist Group a Force to Be Reckoned With Again

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Russia Eyes Council of Europe to Secure Return of Pilot Jailed in US

Putin Fails To Undermine Azerbaijan as Gas Competitor

In Baku, Putin Brings Gunboats Along With Diplomacy

Kazakhstan Jails Muslim Radicals for Anti-Government Plot

Lithuania Sends Alleged Russian Arms Dealer to US

Germany Plans to Limit NSA’s Access to European Communications

National Newsworthy

NSA-Gate: Bring on the Special Prosecutor!

House Intel Panel Withheld Crucial NSA Document

Did the NSA Think the Public Can’t Do Math?

Surveillance Privacy: Obama Orders Fox to Guard Chicken Coop

Owner of Email Service Snowden Used Faces Arrest

Larry Ellison, NSA Database Supplier, Approves of NSA Surveillance

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US Senator Feinstein Seeks to Further Limit Freedom of Press

Armed TSA Teams Now Roam in Public, Conduct “Suspicionless Searches” on Demand

Obama Turns WWI-Era Spy Law against Leakers

Government Agents Infiltrated Environmental Group to Disrupt Tar Sands Protest

DOJ Compounds Stat Screwup by Whitewashing Old Eric Holder Speech

Former Aide: Obama Played Cards During bin Laden Raid

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Kamikaze Drones: Miniature Munitions for Troops

Drone Industry Gives Journalists Not-So-Subtle Hint – Don’t Use the Word ‘Drones’

Another Nuclear Stumble by Air Force Raises Doubts

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Poll: Obama’s Approval Rating on Economy Drops to 35%

Taxpayers to Fork out $3.79 Million in Good Money to Pay for Fed’s $3 Billion of Bad Cash

The FBI’s 2010 Mortgage Fraud Report Reveals Why the Banksters Love Holder

Dire Consequences Await as US Debt Nears a Tipping Point

Jobless Claims in US Decline to Lowest Level Since 2007

Industrial Production Misses for 4th Month in a Row

The “ObamaCare Part-Time Jobs” Effect Goes Mainstream

US Oil Reserves Reach Highest Level in 28 Years

Noteworthy Editorials

Anthony Gregory: The Habeas Corpus Myth

David Swanson: Screaming in Bradley Manning’s Trial

James Ball: If Eric Holder Won’t Prosecute Reporters, Why Did the FBI Target Me?

Stephen Lendman: America Addicted to War

Obama’s White Paper on NSA Spying

An Educated Guess about How the NSA is Structured

Japanese WWII Torture Document Eerily Reminiscent of US Torture Program

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report-“How to Boycott Big Food”

Video: FSPKO- “DHS is Building a Domestic Army to Take on Citizens” Marine Corps Colonel

BFP Podcast 1- De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez Presents Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: “The Great Collapse”

BFP Podcast 2: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “Is the Animal World Rebelling Against Humanity?”

Podcast: Corbett Report- Guillermo Jimenez on Constitution-Free Border Zones

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