BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 13, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“In every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to deceive and overawe the People.” –Eugene Victor Debs

International Newsworthy

Russia Expects Int’l Conference on Syria to Start After September

Iran Claims Qatar Wired $5 Billion to Syrian Rebels

Revealed: What the West has Given Syria’s Rebels

State Department Confirms al Qaeda in Iraq Leader has Relocated to Syria

Syria Opposition Calls for Unified Rebel Army

Rebels Launch New Offensive Near Syria’s Border with Iraq

Syrian Rebel Leader Visits Assad Family Homeland

Clashes Rage in Eastern Syrian City

Syrian Kurds Seek Transitional Administration

Barzani Pledges to Defend Syrian Kurds against Al-Qaeda

Kurds Discuss Conflict on Turkey-Syria Border

Arms Shipments Seen From Sudan to Syria Rebels

Will the Syria War Mean The End of Sykes-Picot?

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Rouhani Dampens Iran’s Third World Fire

Iran-Hamas Rebuild Ties Following Morsi’s Ouster

Iran: Rohani Defends Cabinet Choices in Parliament

NATO Rebrands ‘Insurgents’ as ‘Enemies of Afghanistan’

Taliban, Kabul to Talk in Turkey or KSA

US Watchdog Slams Afghanistan Aid Waste

Pakistan: Unending Bloodbath in Quetta

Punjabi Taliban Warn of Reprisal if PML-N Govt Hangs militants

IMF Agrees to Give Pakistan $6.6bn Loan

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Deadly Iraq Bombings Target Cafe, School, and Playground

American Drone Attacks Could Provoke Terrorism in Yemen

AQAP Chief Vows to Free Jailed al-Qaeda Members

Lebanon Boosts Security Measures to Ensure Safety of Turks

Lebanon Detains Man in Turkish Pilots’ Abduction

Israel Approves Another 900 Settler Homes

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Encircling Empire: Obama’s Scramble for Africa

UN Chief Demands Morsi’s Release ahead of Rival Egypt Rallies

Sinai Is the Egyptian Military’s Achilles’ Heel

400 Surface-To-Air Missiles Were Stolen From Libya During the Benghazi Attack, Says Whistleblowers’ Attorney

Tunisia Bombs Islamist Militants in Mountain Hideouts

Nigeria: Gunmen Kill 60 in Attacks On Borno Villages

Zimbabwe Rejects Report on Iran Uranium Sales

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Russia Slams Israel Settlement Plan

The US-Russian Cold-Shoulder War

Russia Begins Construction of New Anti-Missile Radar

NSA Likely Houses Servers in American Embassy, Russian Report Says

Russian NGO Questions ‘Foreign Agents’ Law in Constitutional Court

Russian Opposition Leader Faces Inquiry

Georgia’s President and Prime Minister War on US Warship

U.S. Instructors Train Georgian Troops for NATO’s Afghan War

Georgian Election Chief to Resign ahead of Presidential Poll

Azerbaijan: Could Putin Use Azerbaijani Opposition Leader as Bargaining Chip for Energy…

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UK Threatens Legal Action over Gibraltar

BP Sues US Gov’t over Ban on Contracts

Germany, US to Negotiate Washington-Proposed ‘No Spy’ Pact

National Newsworthy

The NSA Is Commandeering the Internet

The NSA-DEA Police State Tango

What It Means To Be an NSA ‘Target’

US Could Exploit Trade Deal to Expand Spying

Man That Misled Congress on Spying to Setup Obama’s Intelligence Review Panel

Former NSA Boss Equates Transparency Activists with al-Qaeda

Embarrassed by Leaks, NSA to Replace 90% of System Administrators with Automation

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Former Wyden Staffer: Obama Smothered Congressional Debate over NSA Surveillance

Amash: Intel Committee Withheld Key File before NSA Vote

GOP Lawmaker: Obama Should Grant Leaker Snowden Amnesty

Jennifer Hoelzer’s Insider’s View of the Administration’s Response to NSA Surveillance Leaks

Google: Gmail Users Cannot Expect Privacy While Sending Mails

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IRS Moves to Share Taxpayer Information under ObamaCare

The Police State Mindset in Our Public Schools

CIA Director Brennan Confirmed as Reporter Michael Hastings Next Target

New Hampshire City Requests a Tank to Deal with “Domestic Terrorist” Groups Like Occupy Wall Street and Libertarians

U.S. Army Conducts Military Occupation Drill in Small Town Wisconsin

Judge Says ‘Stop-and-Frisk’ Violates Rights

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Group Petitions for Manning to Receive Nobel Peace Prize

Both Parties Flood House Financial Services Committee with Freshmen to Raise Campaign Funds

Former SEC Enforcement Head Joins Wall Street Law Firm

The Government Wants the Media to Stop Covering Barrett Brown

US Sues to Block Proposed Airline Merger

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Unsealed Court-Settlement Documents Reveal Banks Stole $Trillions’ Worth of Houses

Your Mortgage Documents are Fake!

13 Signs the Big Bank Conspiracy is a Moral Threat

U.S. Regulator Subpoenas Banks over Long Warehouse Queues

University of California Study: National Debt Is Really $70 Trillion

Bloomberg: ‘There’s a Huge Run on Physical Gold Right Now.’

Noteworthy Editorials

Pepe Escobar: Bandar Bush, Liberator’ of Syria!

Peter Dale Scott: US Government Protection of Al-Qaeda Terrorists

Ron Paul: Why Are We At War in Yemen?

Eric Margolis: The Big Chill

Norman Solomon: Memo from Oslo- If Peace Is Prized, a Nobel for Bradley Manning

M K Bhadrakumar: Iran Becomes Predictable

All Hail the Police State

America’s Disappeared

What Were These Wars All About?

What Egypt Tells Us About US Foreign Aid  

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report-“How to Boycott Big Food”

BFP EyeOpener (Preview)- “How to Boycott Big Food”

Video 1: RT- Pepe Escobar on Civil War Breeding in Saudi Arabia

Video 2: Charlie McGrath-Pick Your Poison Enslaved or Beat Down

Podcast 1: Corbett Report-Walter Block on Privatization of Roads & Highways

Podcast 2: Rick Rozoff Interview- Syria Is Toe-To-Toe Conflict Between Russia & U.S.


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