The New York Times provides cover for DC swamp firm Fusion GPS

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The Duran reported last week on the New York Times’ clever attempt to distance the Russiagate investigation from the discredited Trump Dossier, by pushing a drunken London bar conversation between low level Trump staffer, George Papadopoulos, and an Australian top diplomat, as proof that Trump colluded with Russia to leak the DNC and Podesta emails.
Pat Buchanan debunked the NYT propaganda post by noting that the Times rode to Mueller’s rescue, concocting an alternate theory as to why the Trump campaign was surveilled by the FBI, DOJ and Obama White House…a much needed alternate reason for having a special counsel investigation of POTUS Trump, given the overwhelming evidence that the current reason for the special counsel investigation hinges on a ridiculous, smear document composed by DC firm Fusion GPS, and paid for by Hillary Clinton.
Now the NYT is riding to the rescue of Fusion GPS, giving co-founders Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch an op-ed to explain “their side of the story.”
The Daily Caller reports…

But, writing at The New York Times, Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, two partners at Fusion GPS, provide little in the way of evidence to support the core allegations made in their salacious report: that the Kremlin has blackmail material on Trump and that the campaign colluded directly with the Kremlin to influence the election.
The Fusion co-founders say that during the congressional interviews they suggested that investigators explore Trump’s bank records with Deutsche Bank. They claim that they found “widespread evidence” that Trump and his real estate company “had worked with a wide array of dubious Russians in arrangements that often raised questions about money laundering.”
They say that Steele, a former MI6 officer, did not know that he was working indirectly for the Clinton campaign and DNC. They also say that they did not tell their clients that Steele was sharing his findings with the FBI. The ex-spy began briefing the FBI about some of his findings in early July 2016.

The Gateway Pundit reports that Simpson and Fritsch were extremely proud of their “work to highlight Mr. Trump’s Russia ties,” and that to have done so was their “right under the First Amendment.” 

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“We don’t believe the Steele dossier was the trigger for the F.B.I.’s investigation into Russian meddling,” write Simpson and Fritsch.
The New York Times piece follows reports that Steele believes the discredited document contains “limited intelligence.”

Florida congressman Matt Gaetz believes the Fusion GPS’ New York Times op-ed is flat out bulls**t, and that it is about time Congress get to the bottom of what exactly prompted the spying of a US presidential candidate by an incumbent US President…

The Washington Times reported that while Mr. Steele stated matter-of-factly in his dossier that collusion between Mr. Trump and the Russian government took place, he called it only “possible” months later in court filings. While he confidently referred to “trusted” sources inside the Kremlin, in court he referred to the dossier’s “limited intelligence.”
Steele admitted that part of “his final December memo,” was completely unverified.
Steele wrote…

“The contents of the December memorandum did not represent (and did not purport to represent) verified facts, but were raw intelligence which had identified a range of allegations that warranted investigation given their potential national security implications.”
“Such intelligence was not actively sought; it was merely received.”

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