Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 73

A Turkish Uprising?

What caused the current mass protests spreading across Turkey? The spark for the events took place last week regarding the protection of a park that the government planned to demolish and replace with a shopping mall. But the problems in Turkish society – and the anger towards the government – run much deeper. The neoliberal era has been vicious in Turkey, and the current Prime Minister Erdogan is its main champion. A few family dynasties dominate the economy, while masses of people are pushed into poverty. Dissent is not tolerated, with Turkey jailing more journalists than any other country on earth, jailing union activists, intellectuals, and over 700 students, most often on trumped up “terrorism” charges. Turkey is a victim of internal and global plutocracy, and of declining democracy. Gezi Park provided the spark for the people to rise up across the country.

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