BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 7, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“The instant formal government is abolished, society begins to act. A general association takes place, and common interest produces common security.” –Thomas Paine

International Newsworthy

Most Foreign Sunni Fighters Recently Killed in Syria Fought For Jihadist Group

Al Qaeda Chief Zawahiri Calls on Syrians to Revolt against Assad

Syria Army Retakes Key Golan Crossing

Russia Ready to Join UN Peacekeeping Mission on Israel-Syria Border

Austria to Pull Its 380 Troops from 1,100-Member UN Force on Syria-Israel Border

Israeli Military Expels Attempted Syrian Refugees, Ruling Warzone Is ‘Safe’

Qusair: Exclusive Eyewitness Account

Opposition Figure Says Military Solution Not to Save Syria from Crisis

Report: Hamas Infighting Deepens Over Syria War

Cameron Faces Serious Cabinet Split over Arming Syrian Rebels

Russia Wants More Info from Turkey on Sarin Reports

Jordan Threatens to Expel Syrian Envoy for Criticizing US Deployments

EU Commits Another 400 Million Euros of Aid to Syria

Syrian Kurdish NGOs Prevent Recruitment of Child Soldiers

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Turkey PM Calls for End to Protests

No ‘Peace at Home’ in Turkey

Erdogan Faces Growing Criticism

Moroccan King Declines to Meet With Erdogan

US Criticizes Erdogan Comments

Erdogan to Face Calls for Protest Apology on Return to Turkey

Uncertain Future: Turkish PM Returns to Cheering Crowd, Decries ‘Illegal’ Protests 

Outside Taksim, Turkey Faces Polarization

Turks Angry Over Dearth of Protest Coverage by Established Media

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Iran Has a Right to Peaceful Nuclear Enrichment

Nuclear Issue is Key in Iran Election

New Poll on Iranian Election Shows Rouhani as Front-Runner

Ahmadinejad Sees Better Pakistan-Iran Relations

Georgia Suffers Largest Troop Loss in NATO’s Afghan War

ISI Engaged in Helping Taliban Again: Riedel

India Blinded by China’s Shock and Awe

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Car Bomb in Iraq Kills 17, Including 12 Iranian Pilgrims

GCC Warns Against Traveling to Lebanon as Bloodshed Escalates

Israeli Troops Hit with Social Media Ban

Egypt Dismisses Early Election Calls

Libya Must Hand Former Spy Chief to Hague Court: Lawyer

Jordanian Media Licensing Law Shuts Down 300 Websites

Ghana Arrests Chinese over ‘Illegal Mining’

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Russia’s FSB and FBI Urge ‘Active & Aggressive’ Action in Tackling Terror Threats Online

Dagestan: A Political Facelift, or New Rules of the Game?

Russia Cleared over Death of Chechen Leader Maskhadov

NATO Faults Russia over South Ossetia Fence, Also Chides Georgia

Russia Demands that Georgia Abandons Law on Territories

Saakashvili Rallies People to Resist Russia

Afghanistan Deaths and Jihad Video Test Georgia’s Patience with NATO  

Ukrainian Court Delays Trial of Former PM Tymoshenko for 19th Time

Landmark Kazakhstan Mosque Highlights UAE Ties

The Iman of Uzbekistan: Government Official or Secret Police Agent?

Britain to “Boost Security” in Tajikistan

Europe Criticizes Azeri Leader over Internet Defamation Law

Azerbaijan: A Double Standard Won’t Do for Baku

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Pentagon Chief: NATO to Build Afghan, Libyan Proxy Armies

US Drone Attacks controlled from Military Bases in Germany

French Banking Secrecy Investigation Spills over into Switzerland

National Newsworthy

NSA: Surveillance Giant With Eyes on America

Report: NSA Collects Data Directly From Servers of Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook & More

Report: NSA, FBI Mining Data from 9 US Internet Companies

Report: NSA Targets Credit Card Transactions

NSA Got Court Order for All Verizon Calls in US, Every Day

Classified Docs Show Vast, Real-Time, Warrantless NSA Online Surveillance 

Feinstein Defends NSA & Calls for Leak Investigation into Publishing of Top Secret Order for Verizon Call Data

NSA Snooping Pits Obama vs. Left

NSA Building $860 Million Data Center in Maryland

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PATRIOT Act Author: FBI’s FISA Order Is Abuse of Act

Rep. Grayson to DHS: Just Say ‘No!’ to Armed Drones in the US

LAPD Holds Downtown Counterterrorism Drill

Alleged Anonymous Hacker Raided by FBI after Exposing Ohio Rape Scandal

Misfired 2010 Email Alerted IRS Officials in Washington of Targeting

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US Payrolls Increased by 175,000 in May, Unemployment at 7.6%

Bond Volatility’s Grim Message for the Market

The ‘Shocking’ Details Behind California’s Budget Surplus

Buying US Treasury Bonds, A Sucker’s Game

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: The United States of America: A Four-Branch-Police State

Kevin Gosztola: NSA’s ‘Hoarding Complex’ on Full Display with Details on Top Secret PRISM Surveillance Program

Shahid Buttar: FBI & NSA Spying Revealed: Uncle Sam is Watching You, and Both Congress and the Courts are Complicit

Jonathan Turley: Obama’s Surveillance Reveals Massive Erosion of Civil Liberties

Chase Madar: Would Bradley Manning Be Better Off in a Civilian Court?

Paul Pillar: Never Say Never Again

Paul Craig Roberts: A Brief for Animals

Tom Engelhardt: Graduation Speech for the Class of ’66

M K Bhadrakumar: Nawaz Sharif Muses on Foreign Policy

The Unknown Patriot Who Exposed the Government’s Verizon Spy Program

The Police State on Steroids

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- Bilderberg Exposed: Leaks, Whistleblowers & Secrets

Video 1: RT- Death from Above: US Drone Victims Share Their Agony & Grief

Video 2: Press TV- John Kerry Supports Al Qaeda in Syria

BFP Podcast: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “A Turkish Uprising?”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report- James Corbett on the Solari Report

Podcast 2: Peter B. Collins Show- Confirmation of the United States of Surveillance

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