Five Years Ago Today, America Was Subjected To The Most Ridiculous, Laughable, And Ludicrous "False Flag" Attack In Its History Of "False Flags" - The Sandy Hook Fiasco

Today marks the 5th anniversary of one of the most ridiculous "false flag" attacks in the sordid history of America's "false flag" attacks.... I am of course talking about the ridiculous and ludicrous "school shooting" that the LIARS in the US Government and of course the Jew spew media still continue to promote as being real, at the fraudulent "Sandy Hook Elementary School" in Newtown Connecticut.... I have already put up so many reports at this blog discussing the fraud of Sandy Hook that the liars continue to claim took the lives of some "26 students and teachers" as well as a more and more apparently non-existent "shooter" named Adam Lanza......  I therefore will NOT go into any detail here concerning the hows and whys as to this fraud, and only ask readers (and those who are still sitting on the fence) to take their time in looking over my material and videos and see for themselves the fraud in its entirety.....  The Sandy Hook fraud also exposed Americans to the usage of "crisis actors" in these fake shootings, and since the Sandy Hook fiasco, we have seen "crisis actors" used in every single fraud event, including the Pulse Night Club fraud, the Boston Bombing fraud, the San Bernardino fraud, etc, etc... And what is so ridiculous to me is how the criminals behind these frauds continue to blatantly call for and even put out advertisements for people to sign up to be their "crisis actors" for these events!  Honestly, when I see the ads and how many people actually sign up for these events, I wonder how Americans can still be that gullible to ever fall for them!Well, again I do not want to go into any detail about the fraud of Sandy Hook.. But for this article, I will present a most amazing interview conducted between Jeff Rense and of course one of the best investigators of the Sandy Hook fiasco, Professor James Fetzer, that happened on Jeff Rense's radio show a few years back... Jeff and James do discuss the fraud in great detail and I have that interview here in the following video for readers to listen to:Yes, this is only ONE of many of Jeff's interviews with James Fetzer... And even though Jeff Rense does NOT have Professor James Fetzer no longer on his shows due to their differences on the Las Vegas event, the evidence that James Fetzer has gathered over the years on Sandy Hook is factual and very eye opening...I will state it clearly that on the day of the "Sandy Hook shooting" on December 14th, 2012, I thought that it was the real thing.. But very quickly and within hours, I applied my own critical thinking skills and said "Hey wait a minute.. Some things just do not add up"..... It was then that I looked at more of the facts and especially the unusual reactions by the "crisis actors" used for this event and realized that it was a FRAUD..... AND I must add that the Sandy Hook fraud shooting finally did one thing for the "truth movement"... It EXPOSED some of the agents that have been promoting their lies and falsehoods for everyone to see.... Those clowns and idiots have now been fully exposed, and even though several of them are still out there promoting their garbage (including the midget man behind the "TUT" website..) they are now seen for the liars and scoundrels they really are....  Sandy Hook then did us all a favour and exposed the liars and real agents of disinformation in the alternative media....And in closing, the one thing that still astounds me to this day is how the majority of the gullible Americans out there still think that THIS event was real and that people actually "died" that day!  I do wonder if it will take another 5 years before people actually wake the fuck up in America and realize that their own government is using these frauds to take away their rights and freedoms....More to comeNTS