Important Health News: Research (Finally!) Shows That A Shortage Of Oxygen In The Cells Is How Many Cancer Tumors Grow

I do feel vindicated from time to time in regards to the countless number of articles that I post here at this blog.... It does feel good to know that my own research does pay dividends when other researchers finally come to the same conclusions that I have!   Being a man of science,and not locked into the "science" that is promoted constantly by those that have an agenda or have to post their "findings" in accordance to the companies that fund their research, I am always open to some real critical thinking and rationality and can openly put forward some suppositions here about a wide range of subjects.... One of them is my views in regards to important health issues, especially in regards to Cancer and Cancer research..OK, Quite some time ago and in many subsequent articles at this blog, I put forward the idea that Cancer was NOT this "disease" that has been constantly hyped about in the Jew spew media and through the criminals behind the fraud of "Cancer research" and of course Big Pharma who has their agenda of having Cancer patients pay out their life savings to fight this "disease" while holding back the truth that there are readily available cures that cost a lot less money than the frauds of "Chemotherapy" and "Radiation treatments"... It is a fact that there is BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to be made by "treating" patients of Cancer rather than actually cure them of that ailment.....In saying all that, I must point out that I have already posted up many articles here where I called Cancer the body's natural reaction to being subjected to an acidic environment that has driven our body's natural pH level into an 'ACIDIC' range well below a neutral 7.0 pH level.... It is a fact that when our bodies are actually in an alkaloid state, or above 7.0 on the pH scale, Oxygenation of the blood is performed better by our cells.... BUT I need to remind everyone of the fact that when our bodies become acidic, Oxygenation is done more poorly by our cells, while leads to oxygen deprivation...And if Oxygen is not available, cells do die... However, our cells are indeed sets of independent organisms working together for their assigned functions within our bodies, and in some cases where they do not get the necessary Oxygen for survival, they will do what is necessary for their own survival... In such cases, some cells will "switch" from Oxygenation for metabolic processes to a form of "fermantation" for such processes... And with that "switch" many cells become "Cancerous".....  I have been ridiculed many times for this hypothesis, and I have stood firm with the notion that Cancer is our bodies' natural instinct for survival..... And as of yesterday, I finally feel vindicated for my stand on Cancer and its true nature.. For according to this report, from the Natural News website at, apparently some new research has come out revealing that a shortage of Oxygen in cells is exactly the reason why many, if not all, Cancerous tumors in our bodies grow!  Here is the link to that report right here for everyone to read for themselves, and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  I need not gloat or say "I told you so".... I have long been speculating about a logical reason why our bodies "contract" Cancer, and the idea that our food, environment, and our lifestyles in our modern society is the primary cause of the massive outbreak of Cancer has always been on my mind... But the reasons and causes were indeed open to a lot of speculation... .It was then that I began to allude to the idea that our bodies were being subjected to a massive environment that was making our bodies acidic and prone to Cancer, as a primary culprit....There is indeed a lot more "research" that should be done along the lines of Cancer being the body's natural instinctive want for survival in an acidic environment..... I will of course be following up here with any material that comes out when it becomes available...Lets be honest here... I have long stated that the entire Cancer treatment has been a fraud and does not cure that "disease".... There are indeed a whole slate of natural cures available out there that are much better than subjection to "treatments" that do more harm than good to our bodies... If this research does pan out, it will only back up what I have said for a long time; that to prevent Cancer we must all do what is necessary to keep our bodies fit and in an Alkaloid state for proper Oxygenation of our cells.....More to comeNTS