Celebrate 1 Bitcoin = $10K with FEE

When FEE.org ran its first articles on Bitcoin, the price was $14. It was the curiosity of a tiny number of crypto-mavens. Today the price hit $10,000. It is the most lucrative investment on the planet earth, and perhaps the safest haven against government monetary depredations.
What is this about? The key is market-driven technology. Bitcoin is a new solution to the oldest human problems of securing property, documenting ownership rights, and facilitating trade. 

But as a FEE.org reader, you already know this. When FEE first started explaining, defending, and celebrating the technology behind Bitcoin, many people said we were crazy. Today, not so much.
If you want to get up to speed fast, get our new essential guide to cryptocurrency and Bitcoin.
FEE was founded in 1946 not to defend a forgotten faith. Its purpose was to be a voice for real progress in an ever-freer world. We’ve been that voice for 71 years.
An idea: if you have made money in the crypto markets, consider helping out the cause. Technology alone does not drive history; it needs to be embedded in a philosophy of freedom and the good life. We neglect the educational mission at our peril.
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