The Federal Reserve is About To Pull The Plug: Prepare For ‘Quantitative Tightening’ & ‘Creative Destruction’

What will happen as the US Federal Reserve decides to pull away the “unconventional” monetary stimulus punch bowl from the US and global economies?  Will their actions truly be for the good of both US and foreign economic and political stability, or is it all part of a much wider, longer term design aimed at nurturing collective chaos en route to a grander planned sense of international ‘synthesis’?  In this latest episode of Money and Fear, we’ll look at both “Quantitative Easing” (QE) as well as its impending policy nemesis, “Quantitative Tightening” (QT), or the Fed’s shrinking of its balance sheet, coupled potentially with hiking interest rates, as ad hoc and imminently unruly processes.  The Fed’s – and foreign central banks’ - latest measures are about to wreak havoc in markets, not unlike what happened nearly a decade ago, which triggered said QE implementation in the first place.  Sober questioning coupled with quantitative data and a sampling of input from leading commentators will be offered for your sense of defense, so tune in.
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Show Notes
Today the music stops
Federal Reserve Will Continue Cutting Economic Life Support
Back To Rehab Or Continue Chasing The Dragon
Gold Investment “Compelling” As Fed May “Kill The Business Cycle”
The Fed Balance Sheet and its $4.5trn Conundrum
The Fed's new frontier: What happens, why it matters and what could go wrong
The consequences of shrinking the Fed’s balance sheet
Wall Street Icon Warns The Fed's Balance Sheet Unwind "Is Very Dangerous For Markets”
The Fed's Balance Sheet Reduction Could Be A Lot More Dangerous Than People Think
Fed plan to reverse QE is fraught with danger
Want To Know What The S&P500 Does Next? Just Look At The Fed's Balance Sheet
The Most Dangerous Balance Sheet in the World
The Fed Is About to Unleash a Monster: Market Recon
The Fed is about to start unwinding its unprecedentedly large balance sheet — and no one knows what will happen
Bank stocks are rising after the Fed announces it will unwind its balance sheet (BAC, GS, C, JPM, KEY, WFC, BBT)
The Fed Is Ready To Begin Chipping Away At $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet
Deutsche Bank: "This Is The $2.5 Trillion Question"
Fed's Asset Bubbles Now At The Mercy Of The Rest Of The World's Central Bankers.
QT1 Will Lead to QE4
*For additional footnotes and links refer to the Newsbud article link above