Spanish official in Catalonia offers half-hearted apology for police brutality

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Enric Millo, a Spanish official in Catalonia has offered the first attempt at an apology for the police brutality that marred the Catalan independence referendum on the 1st of October.
Spanish police were filmed beating civilians, shooting unarmed individuals with rubber bullets, as well as harassing and assaulting women and the elderly. The scenes caused a great deal of consternation, even among those who support the Spanish position vis-a-vis Catalonia.
Today, Enric Millo, who represents the Madrid regime, spoke in Catalonia and said,

“When I see these images, and more so when I know people have been hit, pushed and even one person who hospitalised, I can’t help but regret it and apologise on behalf of the officers that intervened”.

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However, many Catalans will see the apology as incomplete as Millo then blamed Catalan President Carles Puigdemont for the violence as he encouraged people to peacefully participate in the democratic vote.
Both the Spanish Prime Minister and Monarch have thus far rejected calls for dialogue and de-escalation. Yesterday, Madrid suspended the Catalan Parliament’s Monday session where independence is expected to be declared.  The session will likely proceed without the sanction of Madrid whose authority is rejected by the Catalan government.
Additionally, Madrid has just rushed through a new law making it easier for Catalan based companies to relocate to undisputed Spanish territories.  Madrid’s move seeks to intimidate Catalan’s in respect of economic prospects, as well as hinting at a concession, indicating that Spain is quietly accepting that the status quo has forever changed a.

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