Breaking: Russian Kalibrs Fired From Mediterranean- Supporting Syrian Army

Breaking via Sputnik:

Russian submarines delivered two strikes from Mediterannean sea by Kalibr cruise missiles on terrorists in Syria, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday.The Russian Black Sea fleet submarines fired 10 Kalibr cruise missiles at the Daesh facilities in Syria. As a results terrorists' commant points, munitions depots, hangars with Daesh armored vehicles in Mayadin were destroyed, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The strikes were carried out to support the offensive of the Syrian government troops in Deir ez-Zor.

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UPDATE begins:

"These are the terrorists' command posts, large ammunition depots and hangars with Daesh armored vehicles. To destroy these objects, two submarines from the [Russian] Black Sea Fleet, the Veliky Novgorod and the Kolpino, have delivered two strikes using Kalibr cruise missiles," Konashenkov said.

Konashenkov noted that the attack on terrorist targets in the city of Mayadin was carried out to support the offensive of the Syrian government troops in Deir ez-Zor.Konashenkov said the launches of 10 cruise missiles were made from a submerged position, adding that objective control equipment confirmed the destruction of all assigned targets.

"Daesh terrorist group in the area of Mayadin suffered significant damage, both in manpower and hardware," he said.