Why Is The DCCC Greasing The Way For Gil Cisneros To Buy A Congressional District He Doesn't Live In?

Lottery winner and "ex"-Republican Gil Cisneros wants more than just his $266 million lottery winnings and his $10 million mansion in tony Newport Coast. He wants the word "Congressman" in front of his name. Fancy! But his bought-and-paid-for "friends" at the DCCC told him they already have a candidate in his district (CA-48) and directed him to run in a completely unrelated district-- a solid middle and working class district (CA-39)-- that has no private beaches for $10 million mansions. Worse yet, that's a district with some candidates who are far more competent and qualified than Cisneros. Throughout his plagued campaign, he's played loosely with the truth-- he's lied about how long he's been a "Democrat" (since 2015), where he lives (Newport Coast); hell, he said he voted for Bernie... Doubtful when you consider his six digit contributions to the Hillary Clinton's primary campaign, which are proudly displayed on Hillary's own website and in FEC reports. But of course, he has an explanation for that too.The "little" things that voters look for-- honesty, integrity, maybe not being a damn liar, knowledge of issues, are completely absent from Gil Cisneros and his consultant-heavy campaign.It comes as no surprise that when I see the George Lopez Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tweeting out that they support Gil Cisneros and a link to his donation page-- that this would raise no red flag in Gil world. Again, the George Lopez FOUNDATION, a NONPROFIT, flagrantly violating the law by advocating for worthless, flip-floppy, "ex"-Republican Gil Cisneros, putting at risk their supposed mission to: "Create positive, permanent change for underprivileged children, adults and military families confronting challenges in education and health, as well as increasing community awareness about kidney disease and organ donation."I would think there would be concern from Gil's team about this, but no-- THEY RETWEETED IT. They probably pushed for it! It doesn't take a huge logical jump to imagine this is the type of influence Gil's unearned "mega millions" can buy. In fact, he had the foundation post the same crap on Facebook and instagram as well. And this guy wants to serve in Congress? And the DCCC thinks he's a good idea as a candidate?