Very Ominous for Egypt: Robert S Ford, the next Ambassador to Egypt.

This is BAD news for Egypt. Very BAD news. My stomache turned when I read this.Very dark clouds appeared in the sky. The winds whipped up. The rain poured downA rancid smell filled the air.   The appointment of Robert S Ford as ambassador to Egypt can mean one thing and one thing only. EvilNYT’s- Original published as "Kerry picks former Syrian envoy as Ambassador to Egypt"Title later changed. Perhaps, the first headline gave away the fact that this selection is a done deal despite the show/psy -op of needing approval ?

Secretary of State John Kerry has recommended that Robert S. Ford serve as the next American ambassador to Egypt, American officials said Sunday, a critical role at a time of rising turmoil and anti-Americanism in the traditional Arab ally.

Mr. Ford, a longtime Middle East hand and fluent Arabic speaker, is well known for taking an active role as ambassador to Syria

 “An active role as ambassador to Syria”  Let’s take a moment to define this “active role” meme.Creating death squads, fomenting dissent and destabilization, those can be defined as active roles, indeed.Of course, Robert S Ford has been covered in quite a few posts at the blogI will relink a few of them starting from most recent. There are more, but, these few should suffice.*Ambassadors- Tools of destabilization*Syrians egg Ambassador and flunkie...... *US Ambassador Ford: A provocateur in Syria? The Daily Beast is calling Robert S Ford a “trouble shooter”Rob Ford "trouble shooter? No way in hell. He is a trouble maker!. His appointment to Egypt, fits like glove to hand for the planned destabilization and slide to civil war, mentioned here at the blog,  in the comments section, immediately after the ‘coup’ that ousted Morsi.  In this post: Fireworks burst over Tahrir square after Army announcementPenny July 3, 2013 at 3:37 PMCue the civil warThe civil war theory expanded upon in the follow up post:  Egypt’s coup “Game Over” not by a long shotQuoting Essam Haddad from the July 4th post:

"There are still people in Egypt who believe in their right to make a democratic choice. Hundreds of thousands of them have gathered in support of democracy and the presidency. And they will not leave in the face of this attack.

"To move them, there will have to be violence. It will either come from the army, the police, or the hired mercenaries. Either way there will be considerable bloodshed. And the message will resonate throughout the Muslim world loud and clear: democracy is not for Muslims."

There will have to be violence. There will be bloodshed. And Robert S Ford will be the violence inducing ambassador to Egypt.