Still Lovely

He leaned forward, on the Visiting Room chair,
cupped her frowning face
in his big, warm, caring hands
and with nothing but sincerity and well meaning, said
“Start to ignore that Devil
who’s pushed itself to the front
of your shipwrecked mind… deny it power.
There’s an Angel standing, waiting… just behind.
You have a beautiful, loving side to you
and you have so much to still give…
it’s just become lost in the fractured chaos.
You are not ‘Nuts’ you are ‘Hurt’
and wounded animals lash out and bite when prodded.
Forgive yourself…
you are not ‘What They Have Done To You’
you are a far ‘Bigger Picture’
than that small minded, cruel nonsense.
The Past is nothing but stagnant shadows…
but, Forward is the Light…
baby-step-stumble or crawl if you have to…
towards that Healing Glow,
that is just around the coming corner, ahead of you.”
