Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, August 4th, 2013

Sunday.. and again time for my weekly rant and rave....First, I have to expand on my last article where I led off stating that I am very disappointed in the basic fact that in spite of all of our efforts to reach the masses and awaken them fully to the dangers of the Jewish supremacists who want nothing better than to leave us all asleep while they take full dominion over this planet.  It is important to clear the air and explain myself...I have known since the mid-80's that there has been a very powerful evil force on this planet, and that evil wants nothing better than to see us all enslaved.   It took me years to put all the facts together and come up with the name of this supreme evil, called Judaism and its brainwashed followers, and how this "tribe" that worships the devil himself has through its control of government and almost the entire planet wide financial systems almost reached their objective of total control over this entire planet....It has only been through the one bastion of freedom left on this planet, the Internet, that I have been able to get my message out to the people that they really need to awaken promptly, or suffer the consequences of inaction against this evil....Some people say that I have been wasting my time in writing and putting up this blog.  Many of these people believe that all is well and everything will sort itself given time.... I am not under this illusion one bit, and understand that to do nothing is tantamount to assisting this evil tribe in its machinations for our enslavement.  I could not live with my own conscience knowing what I know about this true evil and not at least trying to do something.  But is it enough to try to enlighten people through writing and not push for more stronger methods of reasoning?We have seen what has happened to those brave people who have stood up and actually tried to put out the message to the public in open discussions and open forums.... These people have been basically destroyed by the evil Jewish controlled Mainstream media by the false labels of either being "antisemitic" or "racist".   It is a remarkable feat indeed that these criminal Jews have conditioned the public through their media to equate "antisemitism" and "racism" with the abhorrent human idea of HATE.   These brave souls that have stood out and fingered the criminals directly have therefore been falsely labeled as "Haters" and have been shunned in their efforts.  That or many have been made scapegoats through Jewish imposed "Laws" and have faced actual jail time for telling the truth.   The brainwashing of the public to turn a blind eye to Jewish evil has been a successful program by these criminals indeed....I have seen in my own personal life the effects of my knowing the real truths.... For example, I recently had a long conversation with someone who used to be a close personal friend of mine... He is actually a very intelligent person (or so I have always believed) and was troubled with what he saw happening in the world today.  He and I sat down to discuss some issues, and he asked me for my opinions on some key issues... I started by asking him who he thought was behind the crumbling economy and the push for wars... He said he believed that the present "war on terror" was to defeat the bad guys... "Those crazed Arabs".... I was floored and started to carefully inform him that the so called "war on terror" was a fraud and that it was aimed towards Israeli domination of the Middle East.   He was astounded by my words, and asked me if I was believing in those "crazy" "Conspiracy Theories".... That really got my ire, and I started into a lesson of true history, starting with the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in 1967, then the facts behind the attacks of 9-11 and how it was performed NOT by his "crazed Arabs", but by the Israeli Mossad itself.   His facial expressions were indeed priceless, and showed the definite signs of someone with the typical Cognitive Dissonance that I and others see all the time.... He turned angry at me, and said "Look...Brian...You are coming across like a nut case now, and you do not KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT".  I was astounded and floored, and I said to him..."WHO do you think controls the government and the money?"... At that point he basically cut me off, and said "I don't want to talk about this any more... You are just nuts, plain and simple"... The rest of that evening was spent with someone who I had thought previously to be "intelligent" but from what I was shockingly suddenly seeing was obviously nothing more than a zombie like the rest of the public..... Lets just say we have not spoken much to each other since (sadly) and I do hope for the best for him and his family, even though I know I may have lost a friend.... I can guarantee that others have had the same uphill battle and have lost many of their friends and colleagues in this war for rational reasoning and truth.... I know I have!Some people have asked me at times how my immediate family has handled what I am doing.. Lets just say that my partner who I think the world of has FINALLY begun her road to awakening... Yes, she has actually been reading some of the material I place in this blog and at first was fearful (like so many people are) of what she was learning... It does take years to break through all that BS brainwashing propaganda that we have been told through our failed education system, and honestly, it is a slow process as well for a true awakening.... I have always recommended that people who know the truth to absolutely NOT use a hammer in trying to reach people.  Give them the information and ask them to take their time and read and research and nudge them along carefully from time to time to rationalize..... This prevents them from becoming fearful and from running.....My better half has now begun to put all the pieces of the puzzle together, and if I can do that and have one small victory, so can everyone else.OK.. On to issues elsewhere... For the longest time, I have watched the United States President, Barrack Obama, or Barry Soetoro, or what ever his name really is, do his damage to the American nation, and I have long concluded that he is both a pathological liar, but a mentally unbalanced psychopath as well.   He has done his best now to absolutely destroy the American Constitution and has done wonders in turning the once great American nation into an enslaved Police State.... Basically the guy is totally insane and is a danger to the entire world with his control over America's military and its massive nuclear arsenal.... But you need not take my word for it, because the author of the website: Tomato Bubble, at, has just released a most important article named "President Psycho" which is linked right here .   I do implore everyone to read this, because it is not only so shattering, but absolutely the truth.   This President "Barry" (what ever his last name is), is indeed a menace to all of mankind!I am again congratulating the proud people of Syria, and President Assad for winning some key battles this last week against the horrible and murderous US/Israeli bought and paid for mercenary "rebels".... With victory almost assured now, what is now left of these so called "rebels" have begun to accept President Assad's amnesty offering en-mass.   But fear not, for the US and Israel are not going to accept their defeat (Jews do not like to lose...) and they will indeed be pushing even more these coming weeks for direct military intervention in Syria to "save" that nation much like they "saved" Libya almost two years ago... This madness is not over by a long shot!I see this last week that Google video has banned any works by Iran's Press TV, but honestly what would we expect from the Jewish criminals in control of that Internet site?   Press TV has done wonders over years in trying to get the truth out via their website, (which of course has suffered the Jewish wraith of being "banned" as well) and through their Youtube page.... Now Youtube has been refusing to state why they have "banned" Press TV, but we all know the obvious, and people are no longer fooled by any excuses they may try to make....I see that insane Israeli Prime Minister, Benyamin Miliekowsky (real name of Netanyahu) is at it again with his verbal diarrhea attacks on Iran, and again like a broken record trying to state that Iran is very close to "building a nuclear weapon".   The problem is fewer people are now listening to this crazed clown, and the road to war on Iran has indeed reached a speed bump.... But cheer up those people who want death and destruction, because there is a new "terror threat" that has been issued by the US government this past week, which usually signals a new and deadly false flag is to take place shortly.... It will be conducted by the maniacs in the Israeli Mossad and the target will be either a US base, or a civilian target.... Then the Jewish press will do their usual magic and try to blame it on either "crazed Arabs" or "Iranian operatives"....The Jews have long wanted their American slaves to attack the innocent nation of Iran under false pretext, and they want it now!I could not help but notice that Russia has now accepted Edward Snowden's application for "asylum" for at least one year..... I have really grown tired of this Snowden business, and I again say to him that if he has information that could help stop the madness of the NSA and the insane US President, then spill your guts!  People need to honestly ask themselves this... What is this guy waiting for?   His constant delays signals what I and others have grown to believe that he is nothing more than another American con game....As I predicted, the Israel/Palestine "Peace talks" have not gotten off to a great start (no shock here)... And now we have the news that these talks will continue for the next 9 months at least... This makes sense because now Israel will have its usual field day in stealing more land from the Palestinians while these sham talks go on and on... Then 9 months from now, they will say that they have again reached an "impasse" (no shock here), and that future "talks" will be required.... Lets face the truth here again, everyone.. These talks are made to fail because Israel does not want peace, period... They want the land.... In their sick twisted mental illness called "Zionism", they still believe it was their "god" that gave them all of the land of Palestine, and under that sickness there is NO room for the Palestinians at all..... I will again state that the only hope for the Palestinians is to fight!  Fight or face annihilation..... With those two choices, I know which one I would take in a heartbeat....One issue that did not get much air time in the Jew controlled mainstream media was a report about how the US must prepare for war against China.... When I saw this report, I was indeed shocked.... War with the 1.4 BILLION people now living in China?  War against a country that is almost the same size as the United States itself?   I would say that the US military is now out of their minds if they think they could actually fight and win a war against a country that is rapidly becoming their equal not only financially but militarily as well... And we cannot forget that the US no longer produces the goods and machinery needed to fight such a devastating war..... Therefore this war is a no win situation for the United States, and to actually consider such a war shows the madness of the American adminstration itself...Well.. I guess that is enough of the major issues for now... There have been a few more that I have not covered, but I will touch on them here in my usual "Last Minute Tidbits".... Does anyone with any intelligence actually believe in the Global Warming fraud BS anymore?  Just open your doors and go outside this summer and see that the planet is getting colder, and not warmer......The economic situation is actually becoming much worse, especially in the United States.  But fear not, for the NFL season is about to begin to cloud and distract the masses from their impending doom.  Bread and circuses for everyone.....And speaking of sports, how is it that the city of Detroit that is supposedly bankrupt can give 1/4 billion dollars for a new arena for the NHL Detroit Red Wings?  Something really stinks to high heaven about this entire Detroit "bankruptcy", obviously.......The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster has now finally reared its ugly head in the Jew controlled mainstream media with reports of horrendous amounts of radiation now detected at the failed facility. But will anyone do anything about it?  Nope, because wars for Israel again are first and foremost......Still waiting to hear from Deanna Spingola about my being on a future show.   I will keep everyone posted as to if and when that happens..... And finally, what everyone has been waiting for, news about America's number one skank family, the Kardashians!  This week in news from American reality TV, it appears that Kim has made her first major public appearance since her baby's birth last month.  Wow, this made national and world news while the world is going straight to hell? And people wonder why I think America is such a mess......More to comeNTS