Julian Assange pardon inches closer as true source of DNC leak may finally be exposed

The Duran reported that on Tuesday, US Congressman from California, Dana Rohrabacher had a private meeting with Julian Assange at the Embassy of Ecuador in London. Rohrabacher is known as a strong Trump supporter and something of a foreign policy maverick who was once in the running to be Trump’s Secretary of State.
Rohrabacher confirmed that after speaking with Assange…

it was clear that Russia had no role in leaking the infamous DNC emails which further destroyed Hillary Clinton’s credibility as an honest and competent would-be leader.

Julian Assange has refused to divulge any information on the meeting.
Now, in breaking news, The Gateway Pundit is reporting that Rep. Rohrabacher says WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange could be pardoned by President Trump for providing information about the source of Democrat National Committee emails leaked during the 2016 presidential election.
The Daily Caller reports…

Rohrabacher told The Daily Caller in an exclusive interview Thursday that Assange is hoping to leave the Ecuadorian embassy in London where he is currently in asylum, and that during the meeting they explored “what might be necessary to get him out.”
The congressman told TheDC that “if [Assange] is going to give us a big favor, he would obviously have to be pardoned to leave the Ecuadorian embassy.” Assange took asylum in the embassy in August 2012 after facing sexual assault charges in Sweden. The Justice Department also reportedly wants to charge Assange for helping Edward Snowden, a former NSA analyst, leak thousands of classified documents.
“He has information that will be of dramatic importance to the United States and the people of our country as well as to our government,” Rohrabacher said. “Thus if he comes up with that, you know he’s going to expect something in return. He can’t even leave the embassy to get out to Washington to talk to anybody if he doesn’t have a pardon. Obviously there is an issue there that needs to be dealt with, but we haven’t come to any conclusion yet.”
The U.S. intelligence community has said Russia was involved in the hacking and leaking of emails from the Democratic National Committee during the presidential election. Assange has continued to maintain that Russia was not WikiLeaks’ source and has long maintained that he would never reveal a source.

It is worth noting that Julian Assange has repeatedly stated that the Russian government was not the source of the DNC leak.
Wikileaks has a 10+ year flawless history of releasing authentic information, something that no US intelligence agency can ever claim.
The post Julian Assange pardon inches closer as true source of DNC leak may finally be exposed appeared first on The Duran.
