Bitcoin as Conditioner: Rolling Out One World Currency

Forget its price trajectory and the rest of the prescribed hype for a second.  *Why* is Bitcoin a ‘thing’, who said so, when, and what for?  Was it genuinely a product of simple private sector ingenuity during a time of maximum need?  OR, based on the many Establishment-linked constituencies trading, investing or imminently, regulating it, is it a ‘test balloon’ or ‘beta test’ for a much wider, older elite plan for global monetary revision?  In this episode of Money and Fear, we’ll look at Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and the blockchain from much more nuanced political, historical and philosophical perspectives than sell-side, hyped-up evangelists, or even Bitcoin’s standard critics, are used to considering.  We’ll weigh Bitcoin against periodic appeals from Establishment sources for a ‘one world currency’.  Runaway price movements will be observed against historical “Tulip Bulb Manias” and philosophical considerations regarding “money” will be reconsidered.  Do not miss this one-of-a-kind show to find out what this relatively recent monetary “phenom” is supposed to even mean!
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Show Notes
Is Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies the result of a government experiment imagined 12 years before Satoshi white paper?
Bitcoin Prehistory
Milton Friedman Predicts Bitcoin In 1999
One world, one money – The Economist Magazine, 1998
Get Ready For A World Currency – The Economist Magazine, 1988
Crypto currencies are mirroring pre-crash banking systems – An ideological dispute over future scale has led to a breakaway version of bitcoin
Digital currencies like bitcoin aren’t real – fund warns investors
Why a Bitcoin Hard Fork Is Unlikely to Faze Investors
Fedcoin: The U.S. Will Issue E-Currency That You Will Use
The IMF and cryptocurrency
BIS Report: DLT ‘Promising’ But ‘A Long Way Off’
The Initial Bitcoin White Paper, October 2008
Text #1:  The Reign of Quantity & the Signs of the Times, by René Guénon
 Text #2:  Men Among the Ruins, by Julius Evola
 *For additional footnotes and links refer to the Newsbud article link above