Behold, A Pale Horse: Its Rider Is Named Neocon And Hell Follows Him

Behold, A Pale Horse: Its Rider Is Named Neocon And Hell Follows Him
Glenn Greenwald finds the implications of the reunion of the Democratic Party with the neoconservatives to be “profound and long-term.” Essentially, it means more expensive wars for Americans who lack health care and pensions, leading to direct military confrontation between the US and Russia and China, which will mean the end of the world. As the Rubio, McCain, Lindsey Graham wing of the Republican Party is also united with the neoconservatives, there is no existing political force, excepting the Bernie Sanders part of the Democratic Party, to counter the neoconservative war agenda.
As Greenwald writes: “Neocons have done far more damage to the U.S., and the world, than any other single group — by a good margin. They were the architects of the invasion of Iraq and the lies that accompanied it, the worldwide torture regime instituted after 9/11, and the general political climate that equated dissent with treason.
“With the full-scale discrediting and collapse of the Bush presidency, these war-loving neocons found themselves marginalized, without any constituency in either party. They were radioactive, confined to speaking at extremist conferences and working with fringe organizations.
“All of that has changed, thanks to the eagerness of Democrats to embrace them, form alliances with them, and thus rehabilitate their reputations and resurrect their power and influence. That leading Democratic Party foreign policy officials are willing to form new Beltway advocacy groups in collaboration with Bill Kristol, Mike Rogers, and Mike Chertoff, join arms with those who caused the invasion of Iraq and tried to launch a bombing campaign against Tehran, has repercussions that will easily survive the Trump presidency.
“Perhaps the most notable fact about the current posture of the establishment wing of the Democratic Party is that one of their favorite, most beloved, and most cited pundits is the same neocon who wrote George W. Bush’s oppressive, bullying and deceitful speeches in 2002 and 2003 about Iraq and the war on terror, and who has churned out some of the most hateful, inflammatory rhetoric over the last decade about Palestinians, immigrants, and Muslims. That Bush propagandist, David Frum, is regularly feted on MSNBC’s liberal programs, has been hired by The Atlantic (where he writes warnings about authoritarianism even though he’s only qualified to write manuals for its implementation), and is treated like a wise and honored statesman by leading Democratic Party organs.”
Read Greenwald’s article here:
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