Maxine Waters goes into hyper panic mode over Trump Jr. and Russian lawyer meeting (Video)

Last week The Duran posted a Tucker Carlson segment where the Fox news host exposed the incredible wealth and possible corruption of Congresswoman Maxine Waters.
Looking beyond the smoke and mirrors of Waters’ fixation on Trump impeachment, it may be time for Waters to be investigated for having amassed a fortune as a simple “public servant” for the United States of America…perhaps Waters is receiving a big payday from the Deep State to keep pushing the Tump-Russia fake news.

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson hinted at the fact that Waters lives a lavish lifestyle in LA, as she scream about justice, Trump corruption, and Putin election tampering.
Perhaps Maxine Waters’ lunacy is all one big act to distract away from people asking questions about her incredible fortune?

Maxine Waters took some time away from her $4 million LA mansion to appear on Hillary surrogate media network MSNBC. to go insane over the tiresome Trump-Russia conspiracy theory on Friday.
Via The Gateway Pundit

Maxine Waters is one the most corrupt people in Congress who has accomplished next to nothing, unless of course you count the millions of dollars she has magically amassed on a modest salary. She spends every waking moment of her day calling for Trump’s impeachment or bringing up possible collusion between Trump and Russia.

“Auntie” Maxine Waters ranted in panic…

“Recognize that evidence is pouring in and it’s growing–or what–is matt– what–what is wrong with them, I just don’t quite understand.”

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