Igniting Intention

The only hell in life
I could possibly imagine
would come from squandering
the gift of light
that pulses within my soul.
Poetry is just a language I use
to fallibly express
the ineffable emotions
that long to be birthed into form,
and so I know for sure
that the written word
is but a single spoke
on the much larger wheel of action
that can only be turned
by forever placing
one foot in front of the next.
You don’t always
have to bust through a wall
when there are other routes open
over and around it
that can more easily be accessed
by using the wisdom gained
from lessons learned in the past.
Constant, continual, progressive,
movement forward
is the holy key to unlock
the gates of heaven
here on earth.
Mind, body, and spirit
triangulate the vision
when three eyes become focused
on the destiny
that finally arrives
once fate and freewill
have been balanced
into a perfect rhythm
of harmony and accord.
This is not a prayer,
but a promise.
This is not a hope,
but a hallelujah.
This is not a dream,
but an awakening.
This is not a posture,
but a privilege.
This is not a choice,
but an acceptance.
Igniting Intention” via YouTube
