So Much Freedom to Spread: ICan’tBelieveIt’sNotWarCrimes!

Looks like Mordor-on-the-Potomac is psyching itself up to attack Russia and Iran.
All-purpose ignoramus Sean Spicer is quoted in the Washington Post as saying, “The United States has identified potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime that would likely result in the mass murder of civilians, including innocent children. The activities are similar to preparations the regime made before its April 4, 2017 chemical weapons attack. If Mr. Assad conducts another mass murder using chemical weapons, he and his military will pay a heavy price.”
Never to be out-neoconned, Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley (what difference does it make?) threatened Russia: “Any attacks done to the people of Syria will be blamed on Assad, but also on Russia and Iran who support him in killing his own people.” Haley and Spicer are giving the green light to al-Qaeda to stage a false flag attack to be blamed on the Syrian, Iranian and Russian governments.
The reason for the current brazen lies is to drown out Seymour Hersh’s June 25 Welt article where American military officials admit that Assad didn’t use chemical weapons on April 4. This has also been previously debunked by former scientific advisor to the Department of Defense (sic) Theodore Postel. The Trump administration’s concern about poison gas is as touching as their silence about America currently dropping white phosphorus in heavily populated Mosul and Raqqa and their silence about Airwars documenting that America kills more civilians in Syria than Russia does. America just permanently freed the shit out of 42 more Syrian civilians on Monday by bombing an ISIS-run jail in al-Mayadeen. Imagine that: one of the CIA’s greatest, most vicious creations, ISIS, chooses not to kill you outright but to put you in jail — and then the US dollar’s Air Force comes along and kills you anyway. So much freedom to spread — ICan’tBelieveIt’sNotWarCrimes!
Spicer presents no evidence for what he says and the Washington Post “reporters” see no reason to ask him for any. The Washington Post isn’t a newspaper and it doesn’t employ journalists. What it has are government propagandists who dispense our daily two minutes of “Syria hate” (and usually much more) a la Orwell’s 1984. (The only bigger walking conflict of interest than Trump is Washington Post and Amazon oligarch Jeff Bezos with his $600 million contract with the CIA.) The editors and stenographers for the Post do nothing but agitate for constant war. Like the New York Times and CNN, they are integral to US war-making, they are extensions of the US government. The proper way to look at them — and Thomas Friedman, Fareed Zakaria, Wolf Blitzer, every neocon commentator, etc. — is that they are pint-sized Julius Streichers. They are war criminals. When the US loses its reserve currency status and the people break free of the police and surveillance state, these people will face Nuremberg-like trials. Free speech shouldn’t include yelling “Attack Iran!” 24/7 in the crowded theatre of Southwest Asia. Anyone propagandizing for illegal unconstitutional wars should be arrested. This would take care of 98% of the US Senate and most of the House. “Free speech,” even now, doesn’t protect incitement to commit a crime. The law simply needs to be applied to John McCain and Lindsey Graham.
The people of Syria can expect more US and Israeli attacks as Syria, Russia, Iran and Turkey get closer to a political solution in Syria. Americans wouldn’t know it from reading the Washington Post but the majority of Syrians support the government, thousands of fighters have sought amnesty and re-joined the government’s armed forces, over 1,300 Syrian towns (as of March 2017) have reconciled with the government, thousands of square kilometers in southeast Syria have been liberated from ISIS in the past month and the US military base near the Jordanian border has been surrounded and neutralized by the Syrian army and Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units so it can’t wreak havoc against the Syrian government in Deir ez-Zor. Neocon dreams of partitioning Syria are slipping away.
The real action in Syria has never been ISIS or the “Free Syrian Army” — these are the two stalking horse CIA proxies for the Greater Kurdistan project which would border four countries that American and Israel wish to balkanize: Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey. We in the West have been well-prepared for many years about the gay-positive and woman-liberating peaceable Kurds. Less well known is their ethnic cleansing of Sunni Arabs in the territories that they conquer, including threats, intimidation, murder, looting and the burning down of houses, partying like it’s 1948 Palestine. Turkey has been beautifully demonized — so easy to do with Gollum leading it — and any terrorism committed against it by Kurdish groups is either disputed, minimized or not recognized at all by the mainstream media. The Kurds need to reconcile with all governments in the region because they are fast approaching their insane umpteenth betrayal by the United States. And some Kurdish leaders are now turning against the partitioning of Syria.
Assad said he would take back every inch of Syria for a very good reason: Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, Iraq and Turkey understand that if Syria is partitioned there will be American military bases in a Kurdistan or a Wahhabistan or both. And these bases will be used as terrorist havens to fuck over the people in the region every day of their lives for the benefit of the US and Israel. The Syrian people haven’t fought and died for that abomination to triumph. The one thing the destruction of Iraq, Libya and Syria have demonstrated is that, no matter how lousy the present is, neocon “dreams” can make the future infinitely worse. Any reasonable person looking over the last 50 years of the devolution of Southwest Asia would conclude that the more Israel, Saudi Arabia and America get their way, the more horrendous the lives of the majority of inhabitants.