US Deep State working with CNN to pin the blame of Saudi – Qatar conflict on Russia

Article first appeared on RussiaFeed.

The official narrative being peddled on mainstream media to explain away the Saudi assault on Qatar, which is drawing regional powers into military confrontation is two fold…
ONE: When U.S. President Donald Trump’s visited Saudi Arabia, he called on “all nations of conscience” to isolate Iran. Qatar apparently disagreed publicly.
In a report by its official Qatar News Agency, citing the Qatar’s leader questioning the political future of Trump, and making friendly statements about Iran.
In an official statement, the government of Qatar said the report was fake news and a product of hacking.
TWO: Zerohedge explains that the reason for the latest Gulf crisis in which a coalition of Saudi-led states cut off diplomatic and economic ties with Qatar, is because – to everyone’s “stunned amazement” – Qatar was funding terrorists, and after Trump’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia in which he urged a crackdown on financial support of terrorism, and also following the FT’s report that Qatar has directly provided $1 billion in funding to Iran and al-Qaeda spinoffs, Saudi Arabia finally had had enough of its “rogue” neighbor.
Saudi Arabia, the largest sponsor of state terrorism in the world, fed up with Qatar’s funding of terrorism.
Now CNN reports, via its always handy anonymous sources bullwhip, that Russia is believed to have been behind the Qatar news hack, that kicked off the current conflict.
That is how propaganda is done, injecting the Russian fake news US election hacking, that CNN has been pushing courtesy of the US deep state, into the newly emerged Saudi – Qatar spat… squarely onto the shoulders of Russia.
CNN is working hard to draw Russia into what is becoming a widening conflict, through the always convenient “Russian hacker” mechanism, via the even more convenient “anonymous sources”.
CNN propaganda word-play is highlighted in bold underline…

US investigators believe Russian hackers breached Qatar’s state news agency and planted a fake news report that contributed to a crisis among the US’ closest Gulf allies, according to US officials briefed on the investigation.
The FBI recently sent a team of investigators to Doha to help the Qatari government investigate the alleged hacking incident, Qatari and US government officials say.
Intelligence gathered by the US security agencies indicates that Russian hackers were behind the intrusion first reported by the Qatari government two weeks ago, US officials say. Qatar hosts one of the largest US military bases in the region.
The alleged involvement of Russian hackers intensifies concerns by US intelligence and law enforcement agencies that Russia continues to try some of the same cyber-hacking measures on US allies that intelligence agencies believe it used to meddle in the 2016 elections.

The goal of Russian hackers, according to unnamed US officials…

US officials say the Russian goal appears to be to cause rifts among the US and its allies. In recent months, suspected Russian cyber activities, including the use of fake news stories, have turned up amid elections in France, Germany and other countries.
It’s not yet clear whether the US has tracked the hackers in the Qatar incident to Russian criminal organizations or to the Russian security services blamed for the US election hacks. One official noted that based on past intelligence, “not much happens in that country without the blessing of the government.”
The FBI and CIA declined to comment. A spokeswoman for the Qatari embassy in Washington said the investigation is ongoing and its results would be released publicly soon.

Russian officials have denied the allegations, the Associated Press reports. Citing the Interfax News Agency, AP reports that the Russian president’s special envoy for cybersecurity said there was “zero evidence” that the Kremlin planted false information in Qatari media.
Russia’s response to CNN’s latest fake news foray, does not hide behind anonymous sources. Russian officials like Lavrov and Peskov have no need to hide, their statements are clear and direct

Russian officials on Wednesday angrily rejected allegations that Russian hackers breached Qatar’s state news agency and planted a fake news story that led to a split between Qatar and the other Arab nations.
Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for President Vladimir Putin, on Wednesday dismissed Tuesday’s CNN report containing the claim as “yet another fake, another lie.”
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also dismissed CNN’s report on Tuesday, saying it “further undermined its reputation as an independent and objective media outlet.”
“CNN and some other media sit and wait for any kind of scandal … to automatically and without any evidence blame it on Russia or Russian hackers.”

The post US Deep State working with CNN to pin the blame of Saudi – Qatar conflict on Russia appeared first on The Duran.
