One would led to believe that it is suspicious if not illegal for someone to have a camera and capture images and video in Tulsa, Oklahoma unless of course you are a member of the Tulsa Police Department. Tulsa resident and citizen journalist Kyle Hogan’s encounter with members of his local Police Department would lead one to believe this, after they accused him of many things including stalking them for the purpose of establishing firing positions to having mental health issues.
This all happened on Monday June 5, 2017, near the TPD’s Mingo Valley Division, located at 10122 E 11th St, Tulsa, OK 74128 on the sidewalk, not that would matter a police station is a public place and cops are public employees. Sgt Robert Rohloff, approaches Mr. Hogan not in any way one could describe as courteous nor professional, he simply rolls up, rolls out and then waddled over and began his ridiculous tirade and that was followed up with his subordinate Darryl Ross closing distance and behaving as if he was on the block looking for a fight. This behavior is quite odd and concerning, and I am sure many mental health professionals would be concerned that these individuals are employed in a position of authority, and armed.
On a side note Robert Rohloff is a “ Storm Chaser” for FOX 23 and also has been featured as the spokesperson for the Tulsa Police on several occasions, seems odd for a man who fears cameras, that he would seek the attention and stand in front of them, must be he is only scared of citizens with cameras and not the alphabet news outlets.
Feel free to reach out to the Chief Chuck Jordan
at 600 Civic Center, Suite 303, Tulsa, OK 74103 (918) 596-9378 or
Mayor G.T. Bynum , (918) 596-7411
The post In Tulsa Only the Cops Can Have Cameras appeared first on PINAC News.