Bill Maher bets 100 rubles Trump will be gone before end of 2017 (Video)

Call it liberal left wishful thinking, or just another jab at the imaginary Trump – Russia connection.
HBO “Real Time” host Bill Maher believes the Trump Presidency will be over before 2017 is.
During an interview with Former Special Assistant to President Trump, Boris Epshteyn, Maher made a “gentleman’s bet” of 100 rubles with Epshteyn that the current PORTUS “will be out by Christmas.”
Maher proclaimed…

“It looks like he’s trying to get impeached.”

Epshteyn countered…

“I believe he’ll be in office for eight years.”

Zerohedge adds

You got to hand it to Epshteyn: He handled the difficult task of defending Trump to a liberal-leaning audience with remarkable poise, reminding Maher of one simple fact: There’s no evidence that Trump interfered in FBI Director James Comey’s probe of Flynn. And that prior to deciding to change his mind and testify that Trump pressured him, as CNN reported, Comey even testified to that fact.
Epshteyn also reminded the audience about Hillary Clinton’s own brush with obstruction: when President Bill Clinton boarded Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s plane for an impromptu catch-up back in June, just before the release of the Benghazi findings, while the FBI investigation into his wife was still open.

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