China Reportedly Urging Citizens to Leave North Korea as Tensions Flare

(ANTIMEDIA) North Korea — As Kim Jong-un, in a rare move, speaks out against ally China, the media is now reporting that since the end of April, the Asian superpower has been urging its citizens in North Korea to return to the homeland.
According to a Chinese national who had been living in Pyongyang, the Chinese embassy began sending messages to citizens urging them to leave North Korea on April 20.
“The embassy has never given such a warning,” the unnamed man told the broadcaster for Radio Free Asia, a U.S.-funded station. “I was worried and left the country in a hurry.”
Despite their government’s urging, however, the man said most Chinese nationals are staying put.
On Wednesday, North Korean leader Kim J0ng-un turned heads when his state-run media published negative press about the country’s sole ally, China. From a report by Reuters:
“North Korea’s state media published a rare criticism of China on Wednesday, saying Chinese state media commentaries calling for tougher sanctions over Pyongyang’s nuclear program were undermining relations with Beijing and worsening tensions.”
Stating North Korea’s nuclear program is essential for its “existence and development,” the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) writes that China’s commentaries amount to a “wanton violation of the independent and legitimate rights, dignity and supreme interests” of North Korea.
KCNA writes also that the current tensions in the region are “based on big-power chauvinism.”
On Tuesday, Anti-Media reported that the man likely to become South Korea’s next president believes the current strategy of trying to tame Kim Jong-un through brute force is the wrong avenue, and that it’s South Korea, in fact, that should lead negotiations for a peaceful outcome.
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