Hillary Clinton once again whines about how James Comey and Russia cost her the US election (Video)

Speaking during an interview on CNN, Hillary Clinton once again explained why she thinks she lost the election. Hint: she is not to blame.
Surprise: Hillary Clinton says a combination of FBI Director James Comey’s letter regarding her email server and Russia zero evidence hack of John Podesta’s emails were to blame for her 2016 presidential election loss.
Never mind the fact that a new insider, tell-all book entitled, Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaignreveals how Hillary Clinton completely concocted the Russian meddling fake news “within twenty-four hours of her concession speech.”
Basically everyone and everything is to blame for Hillary’s crappy campaign except herself…proving once again what a bad leader Hillary Clinton truly is, because real leaders shoulder the burden of responsibility during good and bad times.

I was on the way to winning before Jim Comey’s letter and ‘Russian’ Wikileaks…scared off late voters.

Zerohedge notes

So to be clear – until the head of the FBI admitted to the world that many of your actions were under investigation for potentially breaking law and WikiLeaks published ‘proof’ of multiple mis-dealings and relationships – you were on the way to winning? So, other than that how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?

More highlights from Hillary Clinton’s interview (courtesy of Axios)…

  • “I take absolute personal responsibility. I was the candidate. I was the person on the ballot.”
  • “I am writing a book, and it is a painful process reliving the campaign.”
  • Putin “certainly interfered…to hurt me.”
  • Electing the first female president “would have been a really big deal…There were important messages that could have sent.”
  • “I’m back to being an activist citizen…part of the resistance.”

What do you think?

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