Libertarian YouTube media channel 1791L claims that Russia is a “Ghost Power”, do you agree?

Their are thousands of things wrong with this slick video short analyzing Russia’s rise to prominence on the international stage, and the Duran readers can help debunk this misinformed propaganda video, perfectly timed for release in order to coincide with Russia’s May 9th Victory Day celebration.
Libertarian YouTube media channel 1791L calls Russia a “Ghost Power” with a paper tiger military, an economy that is fully dependent on oil, and a population that is half drunk and the other half dying off in poverty.
We would expect such amateurish film shorts come out of Vox or Vice, but 1991L is usually very good at getting facts straight.
It appears that Russophobia, and a general ignorance on how Russia works, is not only a trait associated with the liberal left.

1791L did issue a correction on one of its points…“30% of deaths that year could be attributed to alcoholism, not the entire population. Definitely phrased that incorrectly.”
There are a lot more corrections that need to be issued.

Tell us which parts of the 1791L video are pure fiction.

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