Donald Trump asks South Koreans to pay for the THAAD missile system.

Donald Trump has asked South Koreans to pay $1.5 billion for the installation and maintenance of the THAAD Missile System which was recently put into operation on a South Korean golf course.
The move sparked mass protests among locals opposed to American militarism in the region as well as the negative environmental impact of the system.
READ MORE: South Koreans protest movement of US THAAD Missile System
South Koreans told Trump that they have no desire to foot the bill of the American missile system, something which was never part of the original agreement between Washington and Seoul.
It looks like Donald Trump’s ‘pay as you go’ hegemony isn’t working as smoothly as some might have imagined.
The post Donald Trump asks South Koreans to pay for the THAAD missile system. appeared first on The Duran.
