Turkish jets strike Kurdish forces in Syria. US Pentagon “deeply concerned”

The mess that is Syria summed up in this chain of tweets.
Turkey fighting the Kurds, the Kurds fighting Turkey and ISIS. The US arming ISIS and fighting Assad. Turkey arming ISIS and fighting Assad.
US regime change gone terribly wrong.
One thing is certain, and its bad news for the Kurds. When the time comes, the United States will side with Erdogan’s Turkey and sell the Kurdish forces down the river.

Turkish jets bombed Kurdish military forces in northern Iraq and northern Syria early Tuesday, US Defense officials say – @ckubeNBC
— NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) April 25, 2017

.@ckubeNBC US military works with Kurdish forces, but no US forces were injured or killed in the Turkish strikes, US Defense officials say – @ckubeNBC
— NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) April 25, 2017

.@ckubeNBC JUST IN: Pentagon says "deeply concerned" by Turkish strikes on Kurdish forces: "We have expressed our concern to the government of Turkey."
— NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) April 25, 2017

.@ckubeNBC Pentagon: "These airstrikes were not approved by the Counter ISIS Coalition and led to the unfortunate loss of life of our partner forces."
— NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) April 25, 2017

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