Liar! 5 promises broken by Donald Trump in 24 hours

In the early hours of the 7th of April 2016, Donald Trump violated every essence of his most endearing campaign promises. He has become everything he claimed to hate, he has told every lie he once criticised others for telling and gone to a war none of his most steadfast supporters want.
The one thing Trump has remained is efficient, in a matter of hours, he has broken virtually every single foreign policy promise he made both during his campaign, inauguration speech and speech to Congress. I cannot remember as many promises broken as rapidly.
Here is a short list of promises Trump broke on this day:
1. Peace with Russia 
By attacking a country Russia has been aiding in a war against terrorism and apparently destroying some of the infrastructural capabilities of Syria to fight its war against terrorism, Donald Trump has brought US-Russian relations lower than they have been even during the Cold War and I would include the Cuban Missile Crisis in that calculation.
Trump hasn’t just invaded a Russian ally (like Vietnam), he has invaded a country where Russian troops and military craft are. This is even lower than the levels to which Obama stooped.
2. Non-intervention in The Middle East 
No explanation required
3. Assad Isn’t The Problem 
Just this week the Trump White House said that regime change in Syria is off the table. Trump has now begun a war for regime change.
4. America First 
This war puts terrorism, Turkish interests, Israeli interests, Qatari interests and Saudi interests above the safety of the American people.
5. Knock The Hell Out of ISIS
ISIS have praised Trump and are on the offensive for the first time in months.
Everyone from Vladimir Putin, Russian opposition leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky, President Assad himself and many figures in alternative media were either supportive of Trump or willing to give him a chance they would not normally give any other US President.
That trust is now shattered. The support is now gone.
Donald Trump is a liar. The only question is this: was he made ‘an offer he couldn’t refuse’ by a deep state who wanted him out of of office, or did Trump betray world peace and all of his promises of his own volition?
If the leaks from his White House continue, we might fine out. But as it is, the leaks will probably stop. The leakers have been placated.
Perhaps as Gaddafi realised when his newly found western ‘partners’ betrayed him; no western leaders can be trusted? This is another question that many must now ponder.
The post Liar! 5 promises broken by Donald Trump in 24 hours appeared first on The Duran.
