Emmanuel Macron slips to tie with Le Pen in latest French election poll

After Brexit and the US elections, polls need to be taken with an extra grain of salt.
Emmanuel Macron is the globalist, EU, US chosen one to win the French elections.
Marine Le Pen is the last chance France may have to actually win back its sovereignty and save its declining cultural identity.
Francois Fillon was not anti-EU or anti-immigration, but he wanted better relations with Russia so he had to be marginalized with media driven scandals.
Bloomberg reports

Emmanuel Macron slipped in the first poll taken exclusively after the second television debate in France’s presidential election, leaving him tied with the National Front’s Marine Le Pen in first-round voting intention.
Both Macron and Le Pen now have the support of 23.5 percent of voters, with Macron down two points in a week and Le Pen down 0.5 points, according to an Elabe poll of 995 voters conducted April 5.
With less than three weeks to go until the first round of voting, the two leading candidates are maintaining their position ahead of the rest of the pack. Even so, public opinion remains fluid and third-placed Francois Fillon had his best showing in a month with 19 percent support. That leaves him a smaller gap with the two front-runners than at any time since February.
Le Pen would lose to both Macron and Fillon in the runoff vote scheduled for the two finalists on May 7, the Elabe poll showed.

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