Sick Herpes-Spreading Rabbis To Be Banned By NYC

The vast majority of people, especially in America, have a very distorted perception of Jews. Public opinion polls regularly demonstrate that Jews are the most-loved religious group in America (Side note: Jews are not merely a “religious group” – they are a hostile, alien ethnic community first and foremost).
The masses simply do not understand how sick, twisted, treacherous and subversive Jews are, and how they operate as an organized ethnic community residing in a host nation. Most people certainly are not aware of the truly Satanic and evil religious practices of certain Jewish sects, which include sucking the blood out of a circumcised male infant’s penis.
Yes, Jews really do suck the blood from baby penises after they’ve been cut in ritual circumcision ceremonies.
The sick, perverted rabbis who perform these Satanic rituals oftentimes end up spreading herpes to the infant. New York City is finally taking steps to address this madness, as The Times of Israel recently reported.

The New York City Health Department said it will ban ritual circumcisers automatically if the infant they treated orally develops a herpes infection.
The ban would affect those who perform the ritual known as metzitzah b’peh, in which the person performing the circumcision, known as a mohel, sucks blood from the wound following circumcision. It is a common practice among many Haredi Orthodox Jews. When performed directly with the mouth as opposed to through a sterile pipette, it has been linked directly to the transmission of the herpes virus.
Under the new regulation, “every time there is a mohel who performed metzitzah b’peh on an infant who has contracted HSV-1, the Health Department will serve them with Commissioner’s orders banning them from performing the ritual,” The Jewish Week of New York reported Thursday, quoting city officials. HSV-1 is a type of herpes.
The Health Department will now ban the mohels linked to cases of herpes in newborns without testing for the virus, the newspaper reported. Prior to the regulation, the ban would be issued only pending tests both of the mohel and the baby.
The adoption of the new rule followed one day after the city’s health commissioner confirmed that two mohels have been banned from practicing metzitzah b’peh. Some 24 cases of herpes allegedly contracted through metzitzah b’peh have been reported in New York since 2000, according to the board of health.
Under both the previous policy and the new one, the city is relying on the mohels to self-enforce. A city spokeswoman told The Jewish Week that privacy rules prevent health officials from releasing the names of banned mohels. Banned mohels will be hit with a $2,000 fine if they do not come forward.
Rabbi Levi Heber, a prominent Crown Heights mohel, said the new policy “is what some would call a witch hunt or a modern-day blood libel,” The Jewish Week reported.
But critics of metzitzah b’peh said it would help protect infants from the risks it carries by discouraging mohels from performing the ritual.

Unsurprisingly, New York City’s response to this outrage will prove to be entirely feckless, as “the city is relying on the mohels to self-enforce.” Good luck with that one guys.
Please notice how the “prominent Crown Heights mohel,” rabbi Levi Heber, who is quoted in the article, implies this new policy is a “witch hunt” against Jews, equating the policy as “a modern-day blood libel,” as if Jews do not engage in these sick, perverted practices and it’s all just a made up conspiracy theory. Typical Jewish behavior!
Could you imagine if the masses actually knew about these Satanic rituals, and finally started to recognize the evil nature of Jews and how they subvert and parasitize White nations?
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