Michael Moore says today marks the day human beings become extinct…blames Trump

President Trump is ready to roll-back of a number of former POTUS Obama’s environmental protection and climate change regulations.
This news has left, looney leftist snowflake documentary filmmaker, Michael Moore unhinged…

Trump has signed orders killing all of Obama’s climate change regulations. The EPA is prohibited henceforth from focusing on climate change.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) March 28, 2017

Moore was not done, tweeting this very dumb comment…

Historians in the near future will mark today, March 28, 2017, as the day the extinction of human life on earth began, thanks 2 Donald Trump

Historians in the near future will mark today, March 28, 2017, as the day the extinction of human life on earth began, thanks 2 Donald Trump
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) March 28, 2017

Moore’s stupidity was immediately called out in one simple response to his last tweet…

@MMFlint How do the historians survive?
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) March 28, 2017

Zerohedge agrees with the above twitter user’s logic

So to be clear, global humanity is destined for extinction because America decides to unwind some burdensome regulations? Perhaps we should be more worried…
Judging his remarks literally, it seems the liberal fanatic believes that historians will survive the coming human extinction (in order to mark the event).
Of course, what Mr. Moore perhaps is missing that if indeed President Trump’s cunning plan is human extinction, then this is a truly progressive agenda since the end of humanity would surely be great for the environment.

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