Porkins Policy Radio episode 85 The Truth Shall Make You Free with Aaron Franz

Good friend Aaron Franz joins me on the show this week to discuss our recent work in The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. We begin by talking about some of the behind the scenes aspects of the issue. I talk about the whole process of how the issue came into being from the initial offer from Clifford Cobb, getting all the writers together, and dealing with all the road bumps along the way. Aaron and I talk about the actual writing process and the challenges involved in writing for an academic journal. Next we explore Aaron’s piece which deals with secret societies, CIA, occult practices, and the ways in which this is mimicked in Hollywood films. We talk about the similarities between secret societies and the CIA, particularly with their strong reliance on cryptography. Aaron and I discuss the famous Kryptos sculpture outside CIA headquarters and the agencies use of art’s powerful occult properties. We also talk about the bizarre Fallen Angel sculpture in CIA headquarters.
In the second hour we talk about the notion of truth as it now exists today. We begin by talking about the biblical verse “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” which is carved into the lobby wall of the CIA’s Original Headquarters Building. We talk about the significance and deeper meaning behind not only the quote but why CIA Director Allen Dulles insisted that it be inscribed. Later Aaron and I move onto the current environment that we find ourselves in right now. We talk about the way truth has become an almost meaningless notion in today’s political and media landscape and what this means for us as a society. Aaron and I also discuss the hidden truths behind the various statements and missteps of Donald Trump. We talk about the possible occult meanings behind this as well as the notion that a magick spell was cast on America after the election.
Download PPR episode 85
Show Notes:
The Age of Transitions
Themes and Memes
Uncle The Podcast
The American Journal of Economics and Sociology Vol. 76 Issue 2