SYRIAN ARMY: ‘Homs is Free of Terrorists’

Syrian Arab Army
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Gunmen in al-Waer neighborhood in Homs agreed on leaving the city, thus making the whole city of Homs safe and under control.
The Syrian nationals among them were offered amnesty and assured that there won’t be any persecution from the government’s side if they surrender their arms and they can live back their civilian lives; also those among them who did not commit any terror related crimes are welcomed to joined the local security forces of their town.
The other option for those who do not want to surrender their arms is transportation to Idlib, but they will lose the offer of amnesty.
1500 people are expected to be transported, 500 left today already. Some gunmen insisted on taking their families with them.
PS: Here is some inside information you will not hear anywhere else:
Some gunmen asked if they can be issued valid passports so they can cross the border and make it to Europe, of course their request was denied because the Syrian command does not play terrorism as a political card even with those who played this card against Syrians, unlike many European governments, the Syrian government believe the people are less to be blamed than their government, but whatever they should have done, it does not and will never get to the point of playing such a card; we as Syrians do not wish anyone, even our enemies to live the terror our children lived, and even if that terror was caused by those enemies; and that is for a moral reason above any other.
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