Press Any Button … Go Boom

I haven’t watched the news
for six whole hours
(a man must sleep sometimes).
So, what did I miss?
Oh, not much, really.
Vault 7 split wide open
and spilled
a few “secrets”
we’d already suspected.
Turns out
the traction
on Russian hacking
is starting to slip.
That false story
is now a bit overshadowed
by revelations
in the new data dump
from WikiLeaks
about the CIA’s
interference in foreign elections.
The pot often calls the kettle black
when it’s a rogue agency of the Beast System
trying to project its authoritarian bullshit onto other nations.
Also, they developed a program
not too terribly long ago
that allows them to blow up cars.
Sorry, Hastings, I guess perhaps
the “news” should have reported
your claim at the time
about how they were tampering with yours.
