Turkey’s President Erdogan has become infected with a new strain of the “nazis everywhere” virus

It appears that Turkey’s President Erdogan has caught a bit of the nazi/fascist virus that is infecting American snowflakes, hollywood actors, and liberal lefties since Donald Trump won the US elections.
In this newest virus strain, Erdogan is seeing nazis, not in the White House, but all over the European Union.

First symptom…nazis in Germany:
Historically, if one wanted to look for nazis, then Germany would be the place to find them, but not in today’s modern world. Anything nazi is strictly (and legally) prohibited in the European Union nation state of Germany.
Zerohedge reports

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan accused Germany of “fascist actions” reminiscent of “Nazi practices” in a growing diplomatic rift over the cancellation of political rallies aimed at propping support for him among the 1.5 million Turks living in Germany. Erdogan’s latest outburst on Sunday took place days after German authorities withdrew permission for two rallies by Turkish citizens in German cities, at which Turkish ministers were to urge a “Yes” vote in a referendum next month on granting Erdogan sweeping new presidential, almost dictatorial according to some, powers.

Speaking in Istanbul, the Turkish president suffered a heavy “nazis everywhere” attack…

“In Germany, they are not allowing our friends to speak. Let them do so. Do you think that by not allowing them to speak the votes in Germany will come out ‘no’ instead of ‘yes?'”
“Germany, you don’t have anything to do with democracy. These current practices of yours are no different than the Nazi practices of the past.”
“When we say that, they get disturbed. Why are you disturbed?”
“We will talk about Germany’s actions in the international arena and we will put them to shame in the eyes of the world.”
“We don’t want to see their fascist actions. We thought that era was in the past, but apparently it isn’t.”

Second symptom…nazis in the Netherlands
Erdogan’s nazi virus has crossed borders from Germany, as the Turkish President is now spotting nazis among the Dutch. This is the second EU nation that Erdogan considers to be a fascist regime, meaning his infection with the nazi virus has strengthened and spread to other countries.
Via Zerohedge

Turkish Foreign Minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu was barred from flying into Rotterdam to participate in pro-Erdogan rallies, to which the Turkish president responded by calling the Dutch “fascists” and his NATO partner a Nazi remnant” as the scandal over Ankara campaigning among emigre Turkish voters, which has recently swept Germany, Switzerland and Austria, intensified.

Austria is next on the nazi infection list.
Austria is set to become the third EU nation where the “nazi virus” hits. Austria’s foreign minister in Vienna said on Monday that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is “not welcome” to hold campaign events in Austria ahead of April’s referendum on strengthening his powers.
This is phase one in diagnosing a country as “fascist” in Erdogan’s specific strain of the “nazis everywhere” virus”.
The Local reports

Sebastian Kurz said that Erdogan campaigning over the controversial referendum would “increase friction” in Austria and “hinder the integration” of the country’s 360,000-strong Turkish origin minority, which includes 117,000 Turkish citizens.
“Campaign events are not welcome. Of course the Turkish president, like other senior politicians, can make bilateral visits to Europe and Austria for talks with top officials,” said Kurz.
“But we clearly reject bringing the Turkish campaign and polarisation to Austria,” Kurz was quoted as saying in a foreign ministry statement.
The ministry said Erdogan’s previous visits to Austria and also Germany had created “tensions” between his supporters and Turks of Kurdish origin, which have increased since July’s attempted coup.

Erdgan’s infection of the “nazi” virus is remarkable and unique, but also alarming as we are seeing a disease that originated in the US as a consequence of a presidential election, metastasize into a much wider, and now European infection.
The post Turkey’s President Erdogan has become infected with a new strain of the “nazis everywhere” virus appeared first on The Duran.
