What Are Republicans Hiding In Obamacare Replacement Plan?

(ANTIMEDIARemember when Nancy Pelosi famously declared, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it?” She was, of course, referring to the Affordable Care Act, AKA Obamacare, and was justly skewered by “conservatives” at the time for the outlandish statement. Fast forward seven years, and now it’s the Republicans doing the exact same thing.
The GOP has chosen to conceal the text of what may become the replacement for Obamacare. Not only can you – someone the bill will most definitely affect – not read it. Members of the U.S. Senate are not even allowed to see what is contained in the legislation.
Senator Rand Paul, who is advocating for a complete repeal of the ACA, has made repeated attempts to view what he refers to as “Obamacare Lite,” but has still been unable to get his hands on a copy of the bill. The Kentucky senator has even gone so far as to wheel a copy machine to where he was told the bill was being housed. Paul, a Republican, was denied access.
The secrecy should be enough to alarm citizens across the U.S. and cause the public to demand to see what kind of health care reform may be about to be shoved down their throats. But what Senator Paul believes the bill contains is the most distressing part of this story.
“When we heard it was secret, we wanted to see it even more because if something is secret, you do worry that people are hiding things,” Paul said speaking to CNN.
He continued:
“What we think is being hidden from conservatives is that there’s a lot of Obamacare lite in their bill. There’s a new entitlement program that will increase at about 5 percent a year forever. There is also a Cadillac tax, or something similar to the Cadillac tax that was in ObamaCare. And there’s also an individual mandate, believe it or not. Instead of paying the mandate to the government, they’re going to tell you that you have to pay the mandate by law to an insurance company.”
So basically, If you like being fined by the government for not purchasing a service, you’re going to be able to keep your fine — except instead of paying a penalty to the government, you’ll pay a private corporation.
Sounds like more of the same from Washington, but worse.

Today my staff and @randpaulcopier continued the search for the secret House Leadership Obamacare Lite bill pic.twitter.com/G32duw04Pl
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) March 3, 2017

There were some obvious places to look. Perhaps near the statues of some great Republicans from the past. pic.twitter.com/vXLOQwaQZi
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) March 3, 2017

Nope. Not there. Maybe this one. pic.twitter.com/aA9C9iSNUu
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) March 3, 2017

This is harder than it should be. But wait. I think someone left us a hint! pic.twitter.com/dxx27kjxPM
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) March 3, 2017

Nope. Not there either. It was another bait and switch pic.twitter.com/9HJq4bwVuh
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) March 3, 2017

They went outside and thought maybe this guy was helping House leaders hide it. But nope. pic.twitter.com/A06RoOG0pC
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) March 3, 2017

Maybe it’s over there with the Justices for safe keeping? pic.twitter.com/CXEWPW9BPo
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) March 3, 2017

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