Palmyra liberated

Dmitry Peskov, Russian President Putin’s spokesman, has reported that Russian Defence Shoigu has informed President Putin that Palmyra has been fully liberated from ISIS and is once more under the control of the Syrian army.
This follows reports yesterday that the Syrian army was in the process of storming Palmyra and that the ISIS fighters in the ancient city were fleeing.
It appears that ISIS pulled out its remaining fighters from the city during the night.  The Syrian army however delayed occupying the city until daylight because of the danger of booby-traps and from any ISIS fighters or suicide bombers left behind to cover the retreat.
When ISIS recaptured Palmyra in December I predicted that its success in doing so would be ephemeral, and so it has proved with ISIS only able to hold on to the city for less than 3 months.  I also reported that President Putin was personally involved in planning Palmyra’s liberation, and the fact Shoigu has reported its liberation directly to him confirms as much.
The post Palmyra liberated appeared first on The Duran.
