21st Century Wire says…
At a campaign-style rally in Florida last Saturday, President Donald Trump made an unscripted, unprompted gaffe concerning Sweden. The misuse of present and past tense within Mr. Trump’s syntax paved the way for what only can be described as a furore. Proven fake-news outlets and other media counterparts moved quickly to condemn Trump’s gaffe as actual ‘fake-news’. The mainstream media wasted no time to seize upon this in what many pundits consider their continued war against America’s 45th President.
However, in a coincidental turn of events only 48 hours after Mr. Trump’s speech, both Dagbladet and Expressen reported riots breaking out in the highly immigrant concentrated Stockholm borough of Rinkeby, Sweden, with police firing warning shots as hundreds of young people threw stones and burned cars.
More on this report from Zerohedge…
Tyler Durden
It would appear the mainstream media (along with several celebrities and politicians) are going to be apologizing to President Trump once again.
Having spent the entire new cycle trying to ignore the immigrant crisis facing Sweden, and pin the ignorant tail on Trump, both Dagbladet and Expressen reports riots breaking out in the highly immigrant concentrated Stockholm borough of Rinkeby, Sweden with police firing warning shots as hundreds of young people threw stones and burned cars.
During the evening hundreds of young people gathered in the center of Rinkeby, well-known for its high concentration of immigrants and people with immigrant ancestry.
In June 2010, Rinkeby was the scene of riots and attacks against the local police station and Rinkeby is the region in which the ’60 Minutes’ crew were attacked in 2016.
Rinkeby is a known problem area in Stockholm. It was here NRK journalist Anders Magnus was attacked with stones last spring, and here the police never go in the evenings without reinforcements from other patrols according to Dabladet. A freelancer the newspaper spoke to, described the situation as serious. “I’ve been in some turmoil, but this is something extra. It looks like a war zone here”, he was quoted as saying.
Freelance photographer Janne Åkesson has also been at the site Monday night and early Tuesday. “They threw stones at police and police fired warning shots. I got out when it was at its worst”, he said to Dagbladet. He added that there were many youths with hoods and hats on.
“It was very chaotic. I have seen much in Rinkeby: they burn cars all the time – unfortunately this was beyond the ordinary”…
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