Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, February 19th, 2017

 Yes another week gone by, and time again for my weekly rant...First, I have once again come under some increasing fire from those in the "flat earth" community, and apparently more and more I have been their bullseye target for my stance that they are idiots.. Yes, I am not going to hold any punches here, for I absolutely see these morons as complete idiots who cannot understand basic science and mathematics...Sadly, I once again feel it necessary to show here more proof that the world is indeed round...I have taken a look at the conjectures put forward from the so called "flat earth society" with their amazing claim that the planet is a disc with the North Pole at its centre, and I have to laugh... Their distorted picture of the world has this planet spread out in a large disc with the outer rim this magical and mythical "ice wall" barrier making up the Antarctic continent...Beyond that point, anyone that gets over this mythical "ice wall" would "fall off" this planetary disc!  Yes, that is their basic belief....I have had so many questions about the Flat Earth idiots idea of a planetary disc, especially how there is this supposed "ice wall" making up this Antarctic barrier... What about explorers to Antarctica?  What about the travellers to the South Pole?  Their answers shows the extreme nonsense of their beliefs... Many of them claim that NO ONE has ever been allowed to Antarctica, and that the south seas are patrolled by the UN and the "Illuminati" to prevent anyone from venturing to their magical Ice wall barrier.... Yes, the limits of stupidity does not stop there, for many of them claim that the seas are patrolled by thousands of these magical ships controlled by the same UN/Illuminati that prevents anyone from seeing this magical "barrier".... I honestly have to do a massive face palm when I hear this nonsense...But it gets even better... For the flat earth idiots actually claim that our sun, that Yellow dwarf star at the centre of our solar system is NOT at the centre of our solar system some 93+ million miles away, but is actually some type of spot light some 3000 miles (4800 kilometres) above their Earthly disc.... Beyond the facts presented through mathematics, geometry, and trigonometry that clearly shows the distance to our sun being that 93 million mile distance, I have been intrigued by this "3000 mile" idea and the idea that the Sun is a "spotlight" above the surface... All observable measurements, the movement of the planets, the simple usage of trigonometry and parallax for measuring spacial distances, etc, etc, show that we do indeed revolve around a star of some 865000 miles (1.4 million kilometre) in diameter at some 93 million mile (150 million kilometre) distance....And yet here we have the flat earth idiots trying desperately to sell the notion of a small spotlight revolving above their flat earth.....Sometimes these morons can even give me a headache!Lets be honest here once again... Besides the fact that these flat earth idiots are this ignorant of reality, they are dangerous to the real truth movement... I need not remind everyone again that they have been working diligently to hijack a lot of the real sciences in this movement including the exposure of the Apollo Moon hoax and fraud... All that anyone needs to do is to go over to Youtube and type in "Apollo moon hoax" and yes, they will see a lot of recent videos placed in there that have been written and forwarded by this 'flat earth' idiot group... I have long said that this is being done on purpose so as to 'poison the well' and try to lay claim that anyone that sees the frauds of NASA is somehow a 'flat earth' believer.... Yes, this is indeed both dangerous and deceiving....We must therefore be careful, for these idiots are definitely being pushed out there on purpose to destroy real truths...OK, Onto more important matters....The Jew spew media bashing of Donald Drumpf has definitely gone into overdrive this last week as more and more people are finally waking up to the reality that Drumpf has been right all along in pointing out that these liars in the so called media are exactly that...Liars and misfits that are spewing out garbage and falsehoods.... And many did indeed laugh when Drumpf stated that the "media" was the fake news when he first stated that claim last year, and now they are no longer laughing but see that he was absolutely right all along...And what has the Jew spew media done to correct their mistakes? Nothing, and in fact they have gone to great lengths these days to put out even more bullshit propaganda and lies..... The President did his news conference for example last Thursday and laid out the facts and the truths about the media lies, and rather than admit they are indeed lying and should change their policies, the media answered the charges by calling Drumpf basically a lunatic and that his news conference was 'all over  the place'...... Basically they have been exposed by the US President and they cannot handle the truth. The question therefore is... How much longer will the American public continue to put up with the media bullshit before they DEMAND these criminals be forced to actually tell the truth?I do feel that I once again have to answer critics here.... I am NOT a believer in Donald Drumpf, for I stated a long time ago that he is just another Jew controlled lackey and even after his selection in the fraud US Presidential "race", I stated that given time he will expose his true colours as being such a Jew butt kisser... And lo and behold but just last week, here we had Drumpf being all cozy with that ultra psychotic mass murdering freak, Benyamin Miliewkosky (Netanyahu) and doing exactly what that psychotic Jewish freak wanted, which was to go after Iran for its non-existent nuclear weapons program.... It was disgusting to see, and did indeed show the reality that Drumpf is doing exactly what his Jewish masters want him to do... And sadly those pricks want Drumpf to go after Iran and have that innocent nation destroyed.... Therefore, once again I am saying to my critics to get it straight that I am NOT this believer or supporter of Drumpf, for I see him for what he is, and that is not this great saviour for America...One other policy that has perplexed me about Drumpf, and it is in regards to Syria.... I have watched like everyone else where Donald has stated again and again that he wants to see the fraud of ISIS destroyed... And yet now a full month into his Presidency and guaranteed he has been brought up to speed on national security issues, he should be fully aware by now that ISIS is and always has been a complete hoax and operated by the CIA..... If Donald was indeed a man of his words and honestly wanted to see the fighting in the Middle East ended with ISIS "destroyed", then all he has to do is to pull the plug on the funding for the CIA to continue to operate that fraud!   Pull the plug on the funding and I again can guarantee that ISIS would be gone within a month, let alone a week!  BUT instead here we have Donald Drumpf doing nothing of the sort, but instead wanting this last week to look for ways to have the US more directly involved in the war against 'ISIS' and having more 'cooperation' with the Russians in that fraudulent fight!   Either Donald is truly this naive and the CIA is continuing to pull the wool over his eyes, or once again he is a Jew controlled lackey and will abide by their wishes to use ISIS to foment destruction in the Middle East... Personally, I am leaning on the latter...And about the war in Syria.. The Syrian government forces  are continuing to make major gains against the fraud of "ISIS" including the reports over the last few days that shows that they are about to gain back the major ancient city of Palmyra....That and the gains against 'ISIS' at Al Bab in Aleppo Province, and Daraa in the south, means that once again this 'ISIS" is indeed on the run and the Syrians are pushing forward towards victory and gaining their nation back.....However... We see new reports where the US is indeed rehashing their plans to send US combat troops directly into Syria to 'fight ISIS".... And yes, this is indeed troubling and shows how the US is trying to save their plans to have Syria destroyed by directly intervening into the nation just to save their fraud terrorists from their destruction.... And again, everyone must be reminded that the US has never been invited into Syria and if they are stupid enough to send in the troops, it will be the same as an invasion of that sovereign nation itself..... I do hope the Russians see what is happening here, and will not allow the Americans in........And again, for those who believe so greatly in Drumpf; How can the President approve this stupid idea, if he is for de-escalating the situation in Syria and actually for 'destroying' ISIS?I for one am very sick of all this Russia bashing that we find every time anyone turns on the Jew spew media.... As I stated in my last article, I have seen nothing wrong at all with a Russian ship sitting in the Atlantic some 30 miles off the coast of the United States in international waters... And in spite of all the outcry and Russia bashing by the liars in the media about it being a "spy ship", honestly who cares?  It is doing nothing wrong when you consider that all seafaring nations have their own "spy ships" and always listen in on both friend and foe.. Heck, one of the worse nations for spying from ships at sea has always been the United States itself, especially with their ships and submarines all around the Russian Federation in international waters, and even off the coast of China in the South China Sea... Therefore all of this sudden hype over this lone Russian "spy vessel" off the coast of the United States is pure gibberish and propaganda... I am truly surprised that any American with a few brain cells cannot see how the liars in the media are indeed trying to whip them up in a frenzy and more hatred for Russia......I look at Ukraine these days, and all I see now is a powder keg almost ready to explode... The Minsk agreements for ceasefire between the breakaway Donbas republics and the US puppet regime in Kiev are as good as dead as we find more and more signs that the Ukrainian army is now ready to launch their major offensive against these so called 'rebels" who's only crime was to vote for their self determination in a referendum, and that vote was clearly to separate from Ukraine itself.... Yes, the Poroshenko regime in Kiev has long seen these people as traitors and rebels, and now that regime is poised to attack and try to crush this 'rebellion'..... If and when that attack occurs, it will be a blood bath, because the Ukrainian army will be attacking primarily civilians, and they will commit the same heinous crimes of genocide that they committed 2 years ago before the Minsk agreement was put into place to stop that slaughter.....  The big question remains as to how the Russians will react when they see these innocent civilians being slaughtered......One last aspect about this Ukraine debacle that the Jew spew media is avoiding is this.. WHY is that criminal Senator John McCain not in jail for his actions over the last week?  I showed in an article just the other day how two "pranksters" out of Russia did the world a favour by showing McCain's true colours and how truly evil that bastard was, by impersonating the President of Ukraine, Groysman, and asking McCain via a phone call what he could do to help Ukraine.. John McCain came flat out and said in that phone conversation that he would send weapons to Ukraine to "fight Vladimir Putin in eastern Ukraine"!....  By this action, John McCain committed outright treason against the US government by talking directly to a foreign power without the consent of the US government!  So, readers, in spite of this phone call being done by pranksters, WHY is John McCain not up on charges and in a jail cell for this action?  Yes, as I said in my article, these two pranksters have done the world a favour by exposing exactly what this John McCain is truly all about....And it is no wonder that the Jew spew media is avoiding this major issue!Well, not much more can be said by myself that has not been said about the ongoing disaster at Fukushima Japan...Just two weeks ago, several major Jew spew media outlets broke their multiyear long silence about the truths that Fukushima is indeed not only out of control but in major aspects actually getting worse... And yet as quickly the alarm was sent out concerning the truths about Fukushima, suddenly there is again almost ZERO coverage in that same Jew spew media about this disaster.... This again shows how truly fickle and fake the so called 'mainstream" media is...... Sadly, the Fukushima disaster is indeed getting worse as the reports paint a truly frightening picture that the reactor cores are in fact releasing much higher amounts of radiation, and that the cores and their surrounding structures are all falling to pieces...... I again wonder what it will take before our governments truly pay attention?  A complete planet threatening catastrophe?Well, there you have it.... I figured I would concentrate on some issues that have been bugging me this last week, especially the flat earth bullshit and their dangers to our intelligence......But I cannot cover everything that is going on in our sick world, and as usual, I will touch on those matters that I may have missed here in my "last minute tidbits".......Still no word as of right now about that earthen dam at Oroville in northern California that is in severe danger of collapsing.  I again will state that this disaster is the fault of the Californian state government and the US federal government for not keeping proper maintenance on that facility and allowing the dam to fall to disrepair.  Now the idiots that failed to maintain the infrastructure may pay dearly for their folly.  I do indeed feel for the people who live in the valleys below the dam that may still see their livelihoods destroyed if that dam bursts!........Alarming news about US retail and the impending retail collapse, as apparently Warren Buffet, one of the primary shareholders of "Walmart" America, is bailing on the retail giant.  Considering how Walmart has now been losing money in both the US and even here in Canada, I would indeed be alarmed by this action by Buffet.  Does he know something that we all should know?......Once again, no one needs to tell me that the economy is tanking, for I can see it clearly here in central Canada by the continuing rise in major store closures.  When the expected Depression does finally come, it may indeed dwarf the so called "Great Depression" immensely..........Yes, the "TPP" fraud trade agreement has not "died" as expected, and has indeed morphed into something almost as diabolical.  And yet with all the attention turned elsewhere, the criminal Canadian Trudeau regime in Ottawa just quietly passed a new crooked "trade agreement" with the Rothschild controlled European Union!  This is so shocking, when you consider that the EU is not only a fraud, but its member nations are about to follow the example set by the UK and vote to exit the "union".   I do wonder what the hell Justin Trudeau was thinking in signing such a "trade" agreement!........Still no change in the ongoing war in Yemen, especially with the escalating Famine situation for the Yemen civilians.  Yes, while the Jew spew media continues their bashing of Drumpf, this human catastrophe created primarily by the US itself, is sadly overlooked..........Record snow fall on the eastern seaboard of both the US and Canada, and yet the numbskulls in the Global Warming retard community are still trying to say that this winter has been the 'warmest on record'?  Honestly, I do really want to know what these rejects from clown college behind the Global Warming fraud have been smoking all these years?...........Someone again asked me this week what I thought about the "Pizzagate" scandal.  I said that even though I never covered much of that issue here at this blog, if the "Pizzagate" allegations prove true, then I and others will be vindicated when we have always stated that the criminals in charge of our nations are ALL sickos, homosexuals, pedophiles, child molesters, or child sacrificing freaks.  It also will prove that no one can even get into politics unless they have horrible 'skeletons' in their closets!.   If "Pizzagate" does prove to be factual, I also feel for the child victims and their families......I saw more articles coming across the alternative media outlets this week showing proof that indeed none other than George Soros, Dr. Evil himself, has been behind every single "uprising", "riot", or "protest" that we have been seeing with ever increasing frequency in America.  I again must ask why the US government itself has not gone to international lengths to have this arch criminal arrested for his ever increasing crimes against humanity and his desire to overthrow governments!.......Even MORE reports came out this last week showing direct links between poisonous vaccines and them actually causing the diseases that they have long been claimed to "prevent".   This does not surprise me at all, and once again vindicates my long stance that nobody in their right minds should ever, ever, get a vaccine shot!..........Arsenal has a bit of a short break this week from Premier League action, with a game tomorrow against Sutton United for the FA Cup.  They are still in 4th place in the Premier League table, with any shots at the title now a pipe dream.  I hope that this coming off season there are major changes to the organization and the team make up.  Some say Arsene Wenger should finally step down as coach, and I do concur.......And finally, I guess without any other targets at the moment, it is again time to bash the Kardashian idiots.  Apparently, that other troll, Khloe Kardashian, has been out there making claims that women can have a 'body like a Kardashian' in only 30 days.  This is absolute garbage and an insult to all women. No woman's body is perfect, and the reality is that to attain this "Kardashian" body is not through hard work, but by paying thousands for plastic surgery and liposuction.  This again shows what a mirage these frauds truly are and how they have always been deceiving gullible people. But hey, in spite of their lies, and especially their fakery, America still has a stupid love affair with this family of skanks.  I still wonder why?More to comeNTS