The Changing Face of Mainstream Media?

21st Century Wire says…
One of the biggest trends running through this election season has been the migration of elements formerly on the fringe of politics – into the center, or mainstream.
Only a few short months ago, Breitbart News, fowas formerly classed as an element of the far right-wing of the media spectrum, and vanguard of the “Alt Right”.  It is now occupying the front row of the West Wing alongside press stalwarts like the CNN, Wall Street Journal, Reuters and TIME Magazine.
The following is a photo taken from the preparation hours before President Donald Trump’s news conference which was held in the East Room of the White House in Washington DC yesterday.
Times are indeed changing…

Haha Breitbart front row !
— RockPrincess (@Rockprincess818) February 15, 2017

SEE ALSO: From the Fringe to the Center: #FakeNews in the Context of Left-Right Dialectics
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