The Upcoming War On Iran: The Real Reason The US Is About To Go To War Against Iran - Iran About To Dump The US Dollar And Destroy The Petrodollar Scam!

OK, I did have some high hopes for incoming President Drumpf... I even said that if I was proven wrong about this man, I would stop calling him by his proper family name of 'Drumpf' and use his family name, that was changed in the 1920's, of Trump instead..... I had hoped that this man would see the real truths about our sick world and work towards peace and prosperity for not only his own nation, but for the world itself...But sadly, we are finding out now that Drumpf is as bad, if not worse, than his predecessors...Most Americans have pinned their hopes for real "change",  and the slogan of "Making America Great Again" rang loudly with everyone south of where I live in Canada...But something did not seem right with Drumpf from the very beginning, and I had warned at this site that we may indeed be watching the Jewish elites with their scamming and control of the American republic and the fraud election process again.... Yes, there was of course all this rhetoric about the Jews wanting their "person" in the White House, that horrid and disgusting slimy creature called Killary Clinton, and luckily that piece of garbage is not the new Empress of America...But as I said before, what appears to have happened in America was a massive 'sting' of the American people, where the Jew spew media constantly bashed and bashed Donald Drumpf to the point that most Americans believed that he was indeed the man for the job and they voted overwhelmingly for him... Therefore, through a nefarious process of mind control and manipulation, the Jewish power elite did indeed get their man, Donald Drumpf, into the White House...I have never been sold on Drumpf, as I have said many times... The man has surrounded himself by a huge gaggle of former slimy "neocons" and Jewish power brokers... And of course we have one of the biggest slime ball Jews right there in his inner circle of confidants and advisers by the name of Jared Kushner, who of course is married to his daughter Ivanka..... It does appear that the Jews are making sure that Donald follows their commands by having Jared right there to pull his strings....Therefore once again we have the Jews in complete control of the White House and therefore continuing their control over America....Well, besides all of the slamming of Drumpf over his "immigration policies" including the 90 day travel ban on Muslims seeking asylum or travel to America from 7 "known terrorist" states, we now have the strange and dangerous sabre rattling by Drumpf and his cabinet against the innocent nation of Iran.... And right now the US military is once again gearing up for a major war that could easily become World War III overnight! Let us not be fooled here... The REASON for this sudden push for war against Iran is not entirely for the "threat to Israel" as many proponents are stating, but comes from the REAL threat to the United States, which is of course the Iranians dumping the US dollar as their currency of trade for their petroleum, due to the push by the US to ban Muslims in America through their "travel ban"....First here is a link to a report from Russia Today, that shows how the Iranians will now indeed dump the US dollar officially as of March 31st this year:, yes this is a "threat" and not set in stone (yet)... However, everyone must understand the facts again, and I hope that everyone takes the time to read the facts about the Petrodollar scam (I have many reports about this scam at this blog..), to understand that the US is absolutely DEPENDENT still on the criminal Petrodollar scam, which forces nations to use the US dollar exclusively in their monetary reserves for Petroleum trade, just to keep the US dollar afloat.... It is a fact that if any of the major OPEC members dumps the US dollar for its Petroleum trade, then other members would quickly follow suit and the entire Petrodollar scam would collapse within days leaving the US dollar to be based on absolutely nothing at all... If that were to happen, then the US economy could indeed collapse overnight.... THIS was in fact one of the major reasons why the US went into Iraq back in 2003, because Saddam Hussein was wanting to trade his Petroleum in Euros and quit the US dollar for Petroleum trade... Yes, the US has indeed gone to war at least ONCE to protect the Petrodollar scam and to keep their dollar alive!And now, we have this report from the Activist Post website, at, where the Drumpf administration is now apparently heading for war with Iran as that nation is indeed about to dump the US dollar!  Here is the link to that report here:, there you have it... President Drumpf's predecessors had indeed created, and became too dependent on this Petrodollar scam long before he came into the White House.... But there is still NO alternative for the US economy right now that can save the economy if the Iranians do indeed dump the US dollar... Once Iran dumps the US dollar, other OPEC nations will surely follow suit, and with no US dollars being used for Petroleum trade, it could indeed spell curtains for the US economy at home....We all remember how that evil witch, Killary Clinton, stated so adamantly that she would "attack Iran" if she became President.... That war cry did indeed scare so many Americans that they absolutely voted for Drumpf with the hope that he would not be so fast to go to war against that innocent nation... However, now we see that Drumpf is no better than his opponent and he is willing to go to war against Iran over the need to keep the US dollar supreme....And once again the psychos in Israel are absolutely delighted with this push for war against Iran by their puppets in the US itself... Those monsters have always wanted Iran destroyed so that they could expand their insane "Greater Israel" project and subjugate their neighbouring Arab nations... Iran was one of the last threats against Israeli hegemony in the Middle East, and if the Americans do destroy Iran just to keep their US dollar afloat, Israel will once again be the big winner.....I honestly do not like what I am watching taking place with the Jew spew media in America now "switched on" again with their Iran bashing....  The facts again are that Iran has NOT attacked anyone and is NOT a threat to anyone.... The Iranians are doing what they think is best for their nation, and if dumping the US dollar for Petroleum trade is what they want, then so be it.... But the prospects of a war against Iran escalating into a conflict between the US and nuclear armed Russia and China, that have alliances with Iran, scares the living hell out of me!More to comeNTS